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kitski 07-09-2007 07:17 PM

what?? it blew up.O.o

xYinniex 07-09-2007 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by kitski (Post 173954)
what?? it blew up.O.o

yeah 3 tries, 3 times it blew up XD. The cake looked damn amazing XD in a blowed up sort of ways

NanteNa 07-09-2007 07:38 PM

Hahah! omg! Did it taste good? :3

xYinniex 07-10-2007 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 173983)
Hahah! omg! Did it taste good? :3

she chucked it in the bin XD

ututu 07-16-2007 06:39 AM

Japanese Foods are very dilicious:vsign:

There are many..........
Mochi(rice cake)

Everything is so verrrrrrrrrrrry delicious:mtongue:

What japanese deserts do you like?

Sanchome 07-17-2007 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by ututu (Post 179612)
Japanese Foods are very dilicious:vsign:

There are many..........
Mochi(rice cake)

Everything is so verrrrrrrrrrrry delicious:mtongue:

What japanese deserts do you like?

Yes, Japan has some delicious watermelons! And some of them have very strange shapes! :mtongue:

Did you see this article about the strange shaped watermelons that you can buy in Japan?
Japanese Watermelons - PingMag
It's funny!

Here is one picture:


Hi ututu! :ywave:

mrpawn 07-17-2007 06:03 PM

lol wow. i can't believe some one could do this with vegitables and fruits. I wanna try it on my moms zuchini plant. That would be really fun! it'd be hard to get the mold tho... but wow, that is awesome!

Neikiyo 07-17-2007 06:06 PM

Is the watermelon suposed to look like Harry Potter? It kinda looks like him.:D

But I have a question about Ohagi. I know Red Bean Ohagi is easier to make than Kinako Ohagi but which taste better? Is there a differance. Is the extra effort worth it?

Saruri 08-24-2007 01:08 PM

I just asked myself wether you eat chips (crisps?) in Japan? (except kroupouk)

masaegu 08-24-2007 01:22 PM

Oh yes, Saruri, we eat lots and lots of chips here in Japan. And the newest flavor in Pocky is Marron Cream (chestnut cream). I saw it in a supermarket today. Will try it sometime soon.

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