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Lien 08-24-2007 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by slagroomtaartje (Post 129354)
food,my favorite subject=D, have you guys ever heard of "drop"?,in the netherlands its really usual to eat them. in england u have drop to,its real nice

i love it<3 xD

Drop tastes like Sh*t ! I just don't understand why those people from the netherlands like it so much :confused:

Slagroomtaart even in onze taal gezegt : Drop is toch maar vies ze, geef mij ma caramelsnoepkes enzo, ... Ma ik geef toe ulle Zwart-Wit snoep is wel lekker ma nie de straffe, ma al die snoep da ge in de HEMA vindt is VOOS !:p

Saruri 08-24-2007 04:42 PM

Ik ben ni van holland,maar ik lust wel drop hoor :D

Tokai 09-04-2007 11:29 AM

Melon Pan (Melone Bread)

1. Pan
- 1 packet dry yeast
- 1/4 c. water
- 1/4 tsp. sugar

- 1 + 3/4 c. flour
- 1/2 Tbs. salt
- 1 Tbs. + 1 tsp. + 1/4 tsp. sugar ^^
- 3 Tbs. butter
- 7/8 c. water

2. Topping
- 1 + 1/4 c. flour
- 1 pinch baking powder
- 2/3 c. butter
- 10 Tbs. sugar
- 1 egg
- 1/2 a lemon peel
- a little bit of melon essence*

* use pineapple extract if you can't find it

Part I:
1. Heat water to 100-110 F and add yeast and sugar. Let stand for around ten minutes.
2. Combine remaining bread ingredients in a bowl and add yeast. You'll probably have to add some more flour.
3. After you've added enough flour so that it isn't terribly sticky kneed it for 10-20 min. on a floured surface. Add more flour as needed.
4. Lightly grease the bowl and place the dough back in it, turning it over once to moisten the top. Cover and let stand in a warm place for 2 hours. Dough should at least double in bulk.
5. Punch dough and kneed lightly for 10 min. Pinch off walnut sized pieces and shape them into balls. Place on a cookie sheet and let rise in a warm place for 15 min.

Part II:
6. Mix all the ingredients for the cookie topping together. Sometimes it helps later on if you melt the butter.
7. Coat the bread rolls (which should be puffy now) with the cookie topping. If you've melted the butter it'll be a little easier...I usually just wash my hands really well and use them.
8. If you wish, sprinkle the top with sugar.
9. Bake at 350-375 F for 12-15 min., or until edges are slightly brown.
10. If you want them to have that mushy, just bought in Japan taste cover them individually with plastic wrap right after you take them out of the oven.

(*v*) i made last week *-* omg *-* tastes so good Q_Q!! i cant find Melone essence, i put Pineapple Juice XD ROFL XD. Try at home, its easy to make ^^

(^v^)// sayonaraaa <3

Hyakushi 09-04-2007 09:36 PM

Mmmmmmmmm sounds yummy thanks for the recipe I always liked melon bread :ywave:

masaegu 09-05-2007 05:41 PM

Nice thread, Tokai.

It's becoming increasingly difficult to find good Meron Pan in Japan. We used to have no problem finding great ones that are a little crispy on the outside but really soft and moist on the inside. I couldn't stand the recent trend of making Meron Pan with chocolate chips on the outer surface and/or with artificially-flavored melon cream in the center so that they could price the Meron Pan higher.

By the way, the Japanese word for bread is 'pan' because it was the Portugese who first introduced bread to the Japanese.

Cyclamen 09-06-2007 12:50 PM

I love meron pan, even if I've never eaten a freshly baked one, only the cheap ones that can be found at every konbini. It was my everyday breakfast until I started sleeping too much in the morning and had no time to have a decent breakfast :D

LadyMoonlight 09-07-2007 04:09 PM

Hey! I love to bake and these look good! I don't know about finding melon essence around here (but I'll look of course) Do other flavors go well? Could I use like almond extract or something like that? Or does that ruin the cultural experience...?


kireikoori 09-07-2007 07:11 PM

Melon essence?
I'm gonna have to go buy some of that so I can make melon bread cuz that looks delish.

Thanks for the recipe.

Tokai 09-07-2007 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by LadyMoonlight (Post 228406)
Hey! I love to bake and these look good! I don't know about finding melon essence around here (but I'll look of course) Do other flavors go well? Could I use like almond extract or something like that? Or does that ruin the cultural experience...?


i dont know but i tryed with pineapple Juice and MultiVitamin Juice ^^ waa was so yummy *-* i think its ruin a bit but i cant find here :(

Suki 09-08-2007 12:07 PM

Melon flavoured bread...? o_Ô

Guess I\'ll have to try it sometime.

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