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Dir_en_grey_ai_Totchi 11-02-2006 08:48 PM

Kiwi gummies kawaii desu!!

samurai_yotashi 11-03-2006 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by kainpendragon (Post 5046)
yeah that them they are oh so good. one more post and you can get a cool one. lol

sweet! i want a new one really bad!

samurai_yotashi 11-03-2006 12:36 PM

awwww. its ok. ive only had pokey too!

samurai_yotashi 11-03-2006 12:37 PM

hellow! how are you?

Vesperd 11-03-2006 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by samurai_yotashi (Post 5260)
hellow! how are you?

Im great its friday! and its our firework night :D hows you?

Kanji_The_Wanderer 11-03-2006 05:12 PM

I thought it was spelt *Pocky* thats the only Japanese snack I ever ate so I voted for that one :D

XjhonnyX 11-03-2006 05:15 PM

thats crazy no one tried anything else... i want to try new foods everyday has anyone tried any of the other ones?

Vesperd 11-03-2006 05:50 PM

Cup Jelly.. yeah they're different, loved as a kid :)

xjrockerxnekox 11-04-2006 04:10 AM

aa tis pocky 4 me 2,heh. i love all the flavors! except the mousse ones,i have an issue with mousse

cunhon9 11-04-2006 06:17 AM

yes it should be written as pocky though... hm in my place where i'm staying (KUala Lumpur) there are a lot of japanese snacks, thre even small stores called 100Yen shoppu where we can buy some kiinds of things imported from japan. i think the store follow the concept from japan itself where everything is sold 100yen but in KL the price is different, and we can find japanese snacks easily in every shopping centers... maybe you all can try Cold Storage since it has a lot range of japanese snacks in dis city(KL)

then in my hometown in Medan, Indonesia there is a shop called Aji Ichiban and there really got a lot varieties of J-snacks. the store is quite well known in big cities in Indonesia ^.^

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