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Slykaz1 05-10-2008 11:51 PM


Sachiko 05-11-2008 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Slykaz1 (Post 485809)


Ramones1976 05-11-2008 12:46 AM

Eishindo Mini Cup Jelly
and Mochi rice cakes

artymcjj 05-17-2008 08:08 PM

I always thought it was pocky

rainbowarisu 05-17-2008 08:10 PM

Pocky all the way!
Especially the strawberry kind.

hxcrobotrampage 05-17-2008 08:10 PM

Pocky, hands down. I love itt.

narutoluvr 05-18-2008 03:14 AM

i like pocky!

Nakishee 05-18-2008 04:00 AM

I like chocolate dipped bananas...I don't know if it's a purely Japanese snack, maybe? Love em.

Milk Pocky I know is a purely Japanese snack, yummm

jolybird 05-18-2008 05:35 AM

hi let me see the links to download ya:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

thalamussilverhand 08-11-2008 12:55 AM

These are delicious. I just picked them up for the first time tonight and they go wonderfully with a nice cold beer.

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