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-   -   Western food shops available in Tokyo? (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/japanese-food/4832-western-food-shops-available-tokyo.html)

kawaiineko 05-30-2007 03:28 AM

If you love Japan so much do a bit of research

Best get accustomed to octopus and seaweed as soon as you can

Those were two assumptions made right there

And I'd just stop being a puff and eat their friggin food.

The first implies I've done no research about the culture of Japan, the food they eat, and that western foods aren't available in grocery stores (wrong, I have)

The second statement implies I'm reluctant to even eat Japanese food because I'm not going to like it since it's different from western cuisine (wrong, I just don't care for fish/seafood)

The third implies I'm a softie and will not eat their food because I think it's disgusting and/or I've become so accustomed to western food I'll refuse to eat food from any other culture if I become immersed in said culture (in this case Japanese culture) (WRONG). Also that I'm too particular and refuse to adjust to their culture and their food. Also wrong when I said with the initial post I'm perfectly willing to do that; however the transition is going to take time.

The assumption was made that I choose to get to the coast of China via an expensive method and I'll do so all the time because Japanese food won't appeal to my palate. Wrong; I know that going to Shanghai I'll only do sporadically because it will be expensive and kind of a hassle to transfer yen to yuan. I'm not going to take a plane to get to the coast of China, when I could just as easily take a boat to get there. That is perfectly feasible seeing how Japan is on the sea (it being an island) and Shanghai is on the coast of China, which means Japan and the coast of China are in close proximity with one another.

Nyororin 05-30-2007 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by kawaiineko (Post 142230)
The first implies I've done no research about the culture of Japan, the food they eat, and that western foods aren't available in grocery stores (wrong, I have)

Actually, you have just caused me literally laugh out loud. Western foods aren`t available in the grocery stores here. Wow! That is a new one to me, being as my dumpy little neighborhood grocery store carries most western foods that I can think of. You have shown that you really HAVEN`T done any research, or if you did that it was very poorly done.
I can`t think of anything, really, that I couldn`t either a) buy in a local store or b) make from ingredients in my local store.


The second statement implies I'm reluctant to even eat Japanese food because I'm not going to like it since it's different from western cuisine (wrong, I just don't care for fish/seafood)
You know, we barely eat seafood. You know what I had to eat for dinner last night? An omelet, a salad, and chicken soup. Oh so seafoody! Seriously, you need to calm down. If you think Japan is nothing but seafood, or that things other than the "traditional Japanese diet" aren`t available, you are very disconnected from reality.


The third implies I'm a softie and will not eat their food because I think it's disgusting and/or I've become so accustomed to western food I'll refuse to eat food from any other culture if I become immersed in said culture (in this case Japanese culture) (WRONG). Also that I'm too particular and refuse to adjust to their culture and their food. Also wrong when I said with the initial post I'm perfectly willing to do that; however the transition is going to take time.
Really, I don`t care why you do or don`t want to eat Japanese food. It looks like you`re going to have a lot more problems than that.


The assumption was made that I choose to get to the coast of China via an expensive method and I'll do so all the time because Japanese food won't appeal to my palate. Wrong; I know that going to Shanghai I'll only do sporadically because it will be expensive and kind of a hassle to transfer yen to yuan. I'm not going to take a plane to get to the coast of China, when I could just as easily take a boat to get there. That is perfectly feasible seeing how Japan is on the sea (it being an island) and Shanghai is on the coast of China, which means Japan and the coast of China are in close proximity with one another.
Okay, seriously, you need to find a way to get in touch with reality.
You cannot just hop back and forth between Japan and China. In fact, it might do you some good to look at a map. Japan is NOT off the coast of China. Check the map. Japan is close to Korea, and even then ferries between the two are expensive. To go from the main part of Japan to China via ferry would be a long and expensive trip. Not to mention visa worries, etc. It may be easy to get a short term visa as a Japanese citizen, but last time I checked US citizens had to apply more than a month in advance. But I`m sure you`ve "researched" all of that.

I`m very sorry, but I think you have some other anger issues that you need to work through (along with basic geography for a start) before you actually make a trip to Japan.

I really couldn`t care less about your reasons for wanting to eat the foods you want to eat. What I do care about is that you`re freaking out for no good reason, even when you were given realistic advice.

YaksokuDa 05-30-2007 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by kawaiineko (Post 142230)
If you love Japan so much do a bit of research

Best get accustomed to octopus and seaweed as soon as you can

Those were two assumptions made right there

And I'd just stop being a puff and eat their friggin food.

The first implies I've done no research about the culture of Japan, the food they eat, and that western foods aren't available in grocery stores (wrong, I have)

The second statement implies I'm reluctant to even eat Japanese food because I'm not going to like it since it's different from western cuisine (wrong, I just don't care for fish/seafood)

The third implies I'm a softie and will not eat their food because I think it's disgusting and/or I've become so accustomed to western food I'll refuse to eat food from any other culture if I become immersed in said culture (in this case Japanese culture) (WRONG). Also that I'm too particular and refuse to adjust to their culture and their food. Also wrong when I said with the initial post I'm perfectly willing to do that; however the transition is going to take time.

The assumption was made that I choose to get to the coast of China via an expensive method and I'll do so all the time because Japanese food won't appeal to my palate. Wrong; I know that going to Shanghai I'll only do sporadically because it will be expensive and kind of a hassle to transfer yen to yuan. I'm not going to take a plane to get to the coast of China, when I could just as easily take a boat to get there. That is perfectly feasible seeing how Japan is on the sea (it being an island) and Shanghai is on the coast of China, which means Japan and the coast of China are in close proximity with one another.

Mate, you even said you didn't want to eat their food because you're too used to eating you "food" at home. I'm not assuming, I read your above posts.

I never said you did no research, you're assuming that I'm assuming about something only you've assumed.

Your post clearly says "However there are some foods here that quite literally are comfort foods and again I don't want to give those up." Give them up, what are you, fat? And you're obssessed with assumptions, or am I just assuming again? :rolleyes:

Anyway~ I'll apologise, dunno why I should but you somehow got offended so, sorry.

timo 05-30-2007 11:14 AM

someone asked about McDonald's in Japan; pretty sure they have lots of them, also wendy's, KFC, starbucks, and they just got krispy kreme, as well! I'd have preferred Dunkin Donuts, heh.:rolleyes:

AllICanSay 05-30-2007 03:25 PM

lol I knew it Thanx ^__^

kawaiineko 05-30-2007 04:45 PM

Fyi I have a lot of crap going on in my life which none of you have no clue
about; so kindly stop verbally attacking me (yes that's what you're doing). I know that there is more then seafood available (in fact I said in one of responses that chicken and pork are available, as well as plenty of fresh vegetables). Seeing how I've never actually been to Japan, now I don't know for sure what food is and isn't available. I never once said that "in your local grocery store western foods are available". Maybe not in your grocery store, but I requested information from somebody living in Japan. Where she lives they do carry a number of western foods. No I'm not fat! That was extremely rude of you to assume which you did when you said "what are you fat"? I'm willing to sample and eat Japanese cuisine; let's see somebody said the meal they ate was salad and an omelet (let's see salad is western seeing how the word for "salad" in romaji is katakana); you tell me I need to adjust to western food and yet the meal you ate was western, that's kind of hypocritical in my opinion. You have to get a visa when you're working or living in a country short term. If you're just a tourist, i seriously doubt you would need a visa. I went to Brazil short term and all I had to acquire was a passport. When i visited a specific part of Brazil, they stamped the passport with the seal of Brazil. You're assuming I've done research on every aspect of Japan; no I've only done research on their cuisine and what western food is available. I don't like it when people make assumptions when they know nothing about me or my life. For your information I've been doing research regarding their language, studying it for the past 10 months. I'm not respectful of Japanese culture at all, except I'm trying to become fluent in Japanese since it would the respectful thing to do in their culture to speak their language (or at least attempt communication in their language). I really don't think it's sin to crave foods from your native culture. If a Japanese person moved to Japan, I'm sure they would adjust to western cuisine; however you're saying they would NEVER desire Japanese food since they grew up with it? I seriously doubt that. That is the case for me, which is what I've been trying to explain. People keep making assumptions about me, and that's my pet peeve. Since you're going to be rude and a jerk to me, well I can dish it out to you too. Naturally I'm not so stupid that I'm like oh the native food that's going to be available in Japan is going to be western food. No! I know that the primary food that is going to be available in Japan is Japanese food (that's simple logic). However I'm sure the transition you had with going from Western to Japanese wasn't immediate. Any kind of transition will take time; I've tried to tell you over and over again I'm willing to adjust to Japanese food, but that the transition will take time (apparently you're so dense you keep missing that point, which I've said numerous times). I also didn't say Japan was off the coast of China. I said it was close to the coast of China. There is also Tokyo, which has basically become westernized; so I'm sure if you're looking for western restaurants and/or shops that sell western food, Tokyo is the place to go. Who said I was going to take a ferry? That's not the only option; there's this amazing thing called a boat. I don't even know if I'm going to Shanghai but I probably will because I've always wanted to visit China anyway. No I'm not "naive to reality". Fyi you may know all these customs and procedures because you live in Japan. Well for your information I said quite clearly I plan to MOVE to Japan, meaning I'm not there yet. You assume everybody who plans to move to Japan, knows every aspect of their culture and all the procedures you go through while you're in the process of moving there. Western people who live in Japan do...other people who desire to do this but haven't yet don't. It's not "naive to reality" it's not having the experience you do with it; there's a different. As for what you read, that's not what I said; that's what you assumed I was thinking (that's the message that was implied). Again you're making the assumption that I think the only thing available in Japan is Japanese food. No, I know Japan has become westernized, and so American culture has definitely influenced the culture of Japan. They have vending machines and western food available; western restaurants have a franchise in Japan, so I know Japanese culture is currently a blend of western and Japanese cultures. I don't know WHY anybody wants to associate with you; you're an arrogant, condescending jerk who thinks they know everything, I can't stand people like you, so go screw yourself.

kawaiineko 05-30-2007 05:10 PM

I made a mistake regarding the visa. Let me see according to the dictionary definition of "visa" it's what is stamped into your passport by an official of the country to grant you access into the country. I already have a passport, and based on what I just said, a passport and visa correlate with each other. If I have a passport getting a visa shouldn't be that big of an issue.

Nyororin 05-30-2007 07:50 PM

I can`t help but reply to this tirade. As this was so incredibly long, it is split into two halves.


Fyi I have a lot of crap going on in my life which none of you have no clue
about; so kindly stop verbally attacking me (yes that's what you're doing).
I think I personally have been a lot less combative in my responses than you have been...
Either way - I really don`t care at all about what is going on in your life. I have nothing to do with it. It seems that you do have a sort of anger management problem, however. These bad things in your life have nothing to do with anyone on this board, and yet you are letting the anger spill over into your interactions here.
That is the sign of a serious problem, and is one of the red flags that you should look into therapy or counseling.


I know that there is more then seafood available (in fact I said in one of responses that chicken and pork are available, as well as plenty of fresh vegetables).
You have also said that you don`t like seafood, and that is one of the reasons you would like to eat "western" foods.


Seeing how I've never actually been to Japan, now I don't know for sure what food is and isn't available.
Obviously so, but why should I be accused of (gasp) assuming something about you when I DO tell you what is available.


I never once said that "in your local grocery store western foods are available". Maybe not in your grocery store, but I requested information from somebody living in Japan. Where she lives they do carry a number of western foods.
No, you never did say that.
Either way, in my local grocery store, it is not a matter of "where she lives". It is that way all around Japan.
It sounds very much to me like YOU are assuming that Japanese food *excludes* western foods.

There aren`t pre-packaged "western" foods available - at least not in the packages you are familiar with. But there is nothing stopping you from picking up the ingredients and making it yourself... Which is what I have been suggesting all along.


No I'm not fat! That was extremely rude of you to assume which you did when you said "what are you fat"?
It would be really nice if you would split up your remarks and actually direct them to specific individuals. There is more than one person replying to you.


I'm willing to sample and eat Japanese cuisine; let's see somebody said the meal they ate was salad and an omelet (let's see salad is western seeing how the word for "salad" in romaji is katakana); you tell me I need to adjust to western food and yet the meal you ate was western, that's kind of hypocritical in my opinion.
It would be hypocritical if the SAME PERSON had made those remarks. That is not the case. I am the one who detailed my meal - and I have yet to tell you that you need to adjust to Japanese food. (Is it safe to ASSUME you meant "adjust to Japanese food" up there?)
On the contrary, I have told you that all the ingredients are available to make whatever comfort food you desire.


You have to get a visa when you're working or living in a country short term. If you're just a tourist, i seriously doubt you would need a visa.
Wrong. You always need a visa.


I went to Brazil short term and all I had to acquire was a passport. When i visited a specific part of Brazil, they stamped the passport with the seal of Brazil.
However, China is not Brazil. That means they have different laws. You DO require a visa prior to entry.
In the case of Brazil, you STILL needed a visa - they just granted you one upon landing there. China does NOT do that.


You're assuming I've done research on every aspect of Japan;
No, actually I`m assuming the opposite. Not even really assuming - more deducing from the information you`ve presented.


no I've only done research on their cuisine and what western food is available.
Asking here, and then blowing up when people offer answers doesn`t count as "research".


I don't like it when people make assumptions when they know nothing about me or my life. For your information I've been doing research regarding their language, studying it for the past 10 months.
And yet you`ve managed to learn nothing else about Japan? I think that in itself is an amazing feat.


I'm not respectful of Japanese culture at all, except I'm trying to become fluent in Japanese since it would the respectful thing to do in their culture to speak their language (or at least attempt communication in their language).
Let me get this straight... You`re not at all respectful of Japanese culture... And yet you`re trying to learn the language because... it`s respectful?

You`ve totally lost me... But have piqued my curiosity.
If you have no respect for Japanese culture at all, what exactly is compelling you to want to live here? Really, why do you even want to visit?


I really don't think it's sin to crave foods from your native culture. If a Japanese person moved to Japan, I'm sure they would adjust to western cuisine; however you're saying they would NEVER desire Japanese food since they grew up with it? I seriously doubt that. That is the case for me, which is what I've been trying to explain.
And I agree. It isn`t a sin, or even strange at all to crave foods you are accustomed to, or foods from your childhood.
I`m not sure though what would happen if a "Japanese person moved to Japan"... As most Japanese people already live in Japan.
Normally I would assume you meant "move out of Japan"... But you REALLY don`t like anyone assuming anything about you or what you meant.


Nyororin 05-30-2007 07:51 PM

Part two:


People keep making assumptions about me, and that's my pet peeve.
Actually, I think you have more of a problem with making assumptions about others. For example, assuming the are making assumptions about you.


Since you're going to be rude and a jerk to me, well I can dish it out to you too.
I really wish you would specify who you are saying these things to.


Naturally I'm not so stupid that I'm like oh the native food that's going to be available in Japan is going to be western food. No! I know that the primary food that is going to be available in Japan is Japanese food (that's simple logic).
Here is some more simple logic.
In Japan, it is most common to cook your own food. As in from raw ingredients, pretty much from scratch. This means that prepackaged meals and mixes are not as common as in the US, and that frozen entrees/microwave meals are pretty much non-existent.
Most of the ingredients used in Japanese foods are also used in non-Japanese foods.

What exactly defines when an ingredient is "Japanese" or "western"? Is a carrot not a carrot when sold in Japan? Is that run-of-the-mill pork going to jump up and run away if I were to try to prepare it in a "non-Japanese" way?
What is stopping you from buying the ingredients and cooking them into the "western" foods you want to eat?

I suggest this because it is WHAT I DO if I crave anything from my childhood.


However I'm sure the transition you had with going from Western to Japanese wasn't immediate.
Actually, it was.


Any kind of transition will take time; I've tried to tell you over and over again I'm willing to adjust to Japanese food, but that the transition will take time (apparently you're so dense you keep missing that point, which I've said numerous times).
In the case of food, this "transition" you speak of generally happens in reverse. In the beginning, the new flavors and foods you aren`t accustomed to are fascinating enough to suppress any desire for more familiar fare. It is only when you become more used to the "new" foods, and their novelty wears off, that you crave something you liked in the past.
For some people this comes very quickly, for others it can take years.

This is food - not medication. You don`t have to wean yourself off of one to have the other.


I also didn't say Japan was off the coast of China. I said it was close to the coast of China.
You said something very similar to that - that they were very close. (Which isn`t really the case.)


There is also Tokyo, which has basically become westernized; so I'm sure if you're looking for western restaurants and/or shops that sell western food, Tokyo is the place to go.
Tokyo isn`t "westernized". It may have the largest number of non-Japanese residents, and may be the largest city, but it is fundamentally not all that different than anywhere else in Japan. There are no little villages with no contact with the modern world. Japan is pretty much the same everywhere when it comes to the level of "westernization".


Who said I was going to take a ferry?
You did?


That's not the only option; there's this amazing thing called a boat. I don't even know if I'm going to Shanghai but I probably will because I've always wanted to visit China anyway.
Please. Use a dictionary. A ferry IS a boat.
Unless.... Wait..... Please tell me you`re not so naive as to think you can just hop in a little row boat and row your way over to Shanghai...


No I'm not "naive to reality".
Right now, my opinion of your naivety is largely related to boats and ferries.


Fyi you may know all these customs and procedures because you live in Japan. Well for your information I said quite clearly I plan to MOVE to Japan, meaning I'm not there yet. You assume everybody who plans to move to Japan, knows every aspect of their culture and all the procedures you go through while you're in the process of moving there. Western people who live in Japan do...other people who desire to do this but haven't yet don't.
Actually, I think I`ve assumed pretty accurately that you know little or nothing about Japan or life in Japan.
Normally, I would HOPE that someone who plans to move to Japan would learn something about it before making those plans.


It's not "naive to reality" it's not having the experience you do with it; there's a different.
Please, again, pull out the dictionary and look up what naive means. You`ll find that it`s not "different" from what you wrote, but in facts means *just that*. Lacking experience and knowledge. You are, without a doubt, naive. You have just confirmed that.

Either way, you don`t need to have experience to look at a map or to measure the distance between Japan and China.


As for what you read, that's not what I said;
Really? Well, that could certainly cause problems, being as we only communicate in text here. Are you saying something totally different aloud as you type? It would really help if you would input what you actually want to say to me.


that's what you assumed I was thinking (that's the message that was implied).
I have taken great efforts in this message to avoid assuming anything about what you have written, and to take it at face value... Even when that flies in the face of reason and common sense.

Personally, I think that you are doing an awful lot more assuming than I. For example, making the assumption that I am assuming things about you.


Again you're making the assumption that I think the only thing available in Japan is Japanese food.
I had no idea that this was an assumption, being as you have pretty much said that multiple times. Is deriving meaning from the words you have written also considered "assuming"?


No, I know Japan has become westernized, and so American culture has definitely influenced the culture of Japan. They have vending machines and western food available; western restaurants have a franchise in Japan, so I know Japanese culture is currently a blend of western and Japanese cultures.
Then why are you so concerned with the availability of "western" foods?
More importantly, why are you asking? You say you KNOW all these things already...


I don't know WHY anybody wants to associate with you; you're an arrogant, condescending jerk who thinks they know everything, I can't stand people like you, so go screw yourself.
Is this directed at me? Or one of the others who replied to you? It would really be nice to know who these insults were directed toward.

If they are directed toward me personally, it is really a mystery, as I have tried my best to offer you actual constructive advice. Apparently you ask questions without ever wanting to hear the answer? Would you prefer I just ignore your fallacies and misconceptions? I was sort of under the impression that you wanted people to reply to you. Guess that was an incorrect assumption.

Nyororin 05-30-2007 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by kawaiineko (Post 142877)
I made a mistake regarding the visa. Let me see according to the dictionary definition of "visa" it's what is stamped into your passport by an official of the country to grant you access into the country. I already have a passport, and based on what I just said, a passport and visa correlate with each other. If I have a passport getting a visa shouldn't be that big of an issue.

As I said in the other message - visa laws vary from country to country.

It isn`t just a "stamp", it`s official permission to be in that country for a specified amount of time. You can`t just walk into any country and expect them just to stamp you in. Some countries require you to apply ahead of time, and only grant so many visas (even for very short term tourists.)

The world is not one big country - laws vary from region to region.

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