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Kayame 05-29-2007 08:31 PM

Birds nest Soup
I was watching this thing on the Travel channel call Bizarre foods, and it was on asia, and there was this thing called birds nest soup, and I was wondering if it was any good. Cause they like use to spit from the bird that was in the nest, and I like hiding behind the couch when I watch him taste. It made me shiver, but I realized i don't even know what it taste like SO anyone know how it taste :confused:

xYinniex 05-29-2007 09:27 PM

swallow's spit. chinese dish, that it has healthy qualities to it. Usually eaten with something sweet such as boiled yellow sugar cane crystals. it tastes quite nice actually.

it's really rare and sometimes, like most asian food you can get fakes. Because it is so healthy and nutritious and it is rare, it is very expensive

Kayame 05-30-2007 04:25 PM

he was saying something about the price but I was to busy twisting as he ate it. it jsut seems so..........ew, but as the same time, i couldn't judge because I didn't try it

Oren 05-31-2007 01:46 PM

Do you mean spit as in shit?? :eek: OMG you can't be serious!!!!! :eek: No matter how starved I ever was I would never in all my life eat the excrements of anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kayame 05-31-2007 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Oren (Post 143700)
Do you mean spit as in shit?? :eek: OMG you can't be serious!!!!! :eek: No matter how starved I ever was I would never in all my life eat the excrements of anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no no, S-P-I-T. real spit, but wither way it's luck.....I donno but -twitches- it looked weird

Oren 06-01-2007 12:01 PM

That is so nasty!!!!! :eek: Spit is as bad as shit. That's like telling someone to hawk a giant phlegm glob down your throat and chewing on it before you swallow!! *gags!!*

Effin NASTY!!!!!!!!!

Kayame 06-01-2007 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Oren (Post 144161)
That is so nasty!!!!! :eek: Spit is as bad as shit. That's like telling someone to hawk a giant phlegm glob down your throat and chewing on it before you swallow!! *gags!!*

Effin NASTY!!!!!!!!!

he said it was sweet, but I'm like HELLZ NO when I looked at what it looked like I'll try to post some pics of it.

Camui 06-02-2007 04:14 AM

I heard about Bird Nest soup on another forum. I was shocked at first, but then I realised that it isn't that gross. There are many, many more disgusting things to eat than that...at least I'm pretty sure...

I heard that Bird Nest soup is good for the skin, especially in females. If anyone can back this theory up, I'd like to know if it is true.

Excessum 06-02-2007 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by Oren (Post 144161)
That is so nasty!!!!! :eek: Spit is as bad as shit. That's like telling someone to hawk a giant phlegm glob down your throat and chewing on it before you swallow!! *gags!!*

Effin NASTY!!!!!!!!!

No french kissing for you, Oren, huh?

But anyway, i would give it a try, i can eat almost anything (but i usually sit near the WC, just in case :D )

enyafriend 06-02-2007 07:33 AM

Bird nest, despite it's name, is no nest. The name comes from the overall appearence, the finish product, that resembles a nest. Hence, they are called bird nest.
It is so expensive that men buys to impress upon thier wives and in-laws. In order to maintain the vigour on the complexion of their skin, many well-to-do Asians take them either once or twice a week, boiled in broth as a sweet dessert.
It comes in a variety of grades, right down to fake ones.

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