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Kayame 05-31-2007 08:10 PM

Why is it...
Why is it if you eat instant ramen then take a drink soda it taste so bad? What is in the soda or ramen that makes it taste. is it because the ramen is dried or something??? :confused:

timo 05-31-2007 08:59 PM

I've never eaten instant ramen. Should I try it? timo:vsign:

luna2 06-01-2007 02:41 AM

well its cuz i guess they dnt mix well together
its kinda lyk cookin i guess
-if u add soda to ur ramen wuldnt u think it'll taste bad wid da fuzz and stuff lol

Kayame 06-01-2007 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by luna2 (Post 144029)
well its cuz i guess they dnt mix well together
its kinda lyk cookin i guess
-if u add soda to ur ramen wuldnt u think it'll taste bad wid da fuzz and stuff lol

lol, I guess your right but I'm going to email the makers off the instant ramen because it's not far that I can have two of my favorite things at the same time :angryblob:

peach0816 06-01-2007 04:39 PM

maybe it has something to do with that fact that ramen is more of a salty thing, whereas soda is LOADED with sugar. When you're eating the ramen the salty receptors on the tastebuds of your tongue are stimulated, that's why each mouthful tastes pretty much the same, so when you take a drink of a sweet soda your tastebuds aren't expecting it, so the receptors get a bit messed up and don't really know which taste to taste I guess. Also the fizziness could affect it too probably.

Ha, that sounds intelligent...but I just made it up right now! It sounds plausible though :pinkclap:

Kayame 06-01-2007 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by peach0816 (Post 144424)
maybe it has something to do with that fact that ramen is more of a salty thing, whereas soda is LOADED with sugar. When you're eating the ramen the salty receptors on the tastebuds of your tongue are stimulated, that's why each mouthful tastes pretty much the same, so when you take a drink of a sweet soda your tastebuds aren't expecting it, so the receptors get a bit messed up and don't really know which taste to taste I guess. Also the fizziness could affect it too probably.

Ha, that sounds intelligent...but I just made it up right now! It sounds plausible though :pinkclap:

Ramen has salt in it :eek: I didn't taste it, I add loads of salt to my ramen....I didn't know that it had so much salt in it already.....I'm going to die from to much salt in take :pinkcry: :pinkcry: :pinkcry:

peach0816 06-01-2007 07:10 PM

haha, well if you're eating the pre-packaged kind then ya, there is usually loads of salt in it. There was one I saw with 1029mg of sodium, which is like..a tablespoon + a teaspoon or two of salt. I was like "OH GOD!" haha I bet it would have tasted good though lol.

Kayame 06-01-2007 07:20 PM

yea, i went ot the doctor and he told if i added all the salt from my food, then the salt I added tp it I would have a whole nother meal of nothing but salt....I thought he was joking :pinkcry: :pinkcry: :pinkcry: :pinkcry: :pinkcry: :pinkcry: :pinkcry:

peach0816 06-01-2007 07:28 PM

oh my god! haha that is a buttload of salt! But I must confess that I love salt too. I'm not crazy about it though, like some people put salt on PIZZA! I think it's already salty enough for my tastes! mmmm....pizza....

Kayame 06-01-2007 07:34 PM

I don't put salt on pizza, just on everything else....

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