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tomohiro 04-06-2014 02:58 AM

Crazy/weird Japanese food?
Im Japanese and im curious about what kind of Japanese food you think it's weird.
I heard some people think raw eggs and fish are crazy.
Is there anything else you cannot eat or hard to try?

I actually posted video on youtube,
but I really wanna know you guys opinions!

Aoyagi 10-16-2015 02:39 AM

Anythin "exotic" and new is condisered weird by the typical person. I just tried natto for the first time. It DOES take a strong will and stomach to get through an entire serving. But it was n't weird, just gluey and no I did not finish it.XD But if you want something new and challenging, go natto!

AzusaNakano 10-18-2015 10:11 PM


Balut in Japan, very bad duck egg, my dad likes, I be sick if I eat, very bad...:eek:

AzusaNakano 10-18-2015 10:16 PM

My friend think Tanuki Udon is make with Tanuki but no, Tanuki not used, please explain better for friend who no understanding.

OhanaMatsumae 01-16-2016 11:06 AM

If you want to
Hello I am new to this forum and I love food. I go all around Japan to find different culinary delicacies and things that you will never try as a traveler to Japan. Here is my blog about different weird but delicious food in Japan which I have tried.

Gourmet Trip in Japan

I will be writing more about other weird and famous dishes of Japan so stay tune!

Adele3 05-11-2018 07:14 AM

Interesting food.

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