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Kayame 07-10-2007 08:09 PM

What to do....
ok...I'm getting sick of the same romen over and over and over again but it's so cheap to buy. So...what to do will all of this ramen, besides...makign ramen o.O ok let me reword it. What are some other food ideas for instant ramen besides just ramen. I think that makes since...atleas tin my head it does........um....yea:confused: well what ever if you understand what i mean, please respond :ywave:

mishasu 07-10-2007 08:12 PM

lol i understand what you mean but i dont know anyothe ways to have raman. than with raman i was actully thinking about the same thing...

Kayame 07-10-2007 08:57 PM

lol, yea I look at the ramen and just want to gag. It all taste the same to me O.O IT ALL TASTE LIKE BEAN SPROUTS And that just the chicken XD but I really need something to do with all of it. Using the flavoring or not

mishasu 07-10-2007 09:46 PM

I usually put the flavoring on. i do like it, i dont eat it that oftern so i dont really think it tastes that bad but i would like a change

xNatsuki 07-11-2007 04:18 AM

I know how the directions on instant ramen tells you to just boil water and pour in the water into the ramen, but I like to do other stuff with it too. Though eating ramen all the time isn't healthy :\

I boil ramen in water with all the flavoring packages that it comes with, and once it starts to get a little soft, I put in pre-chopped ingredients that I want, though some things aren't very Japanese. Plus, if you boil the ramen in the water, the noodles come out a little different, which could be good for some people.

Or when I was little, I drain half of the water out of my ramen bowl, cut up the noodles with scissors, and put about a cup of rice in it and mix it up.

kuromiXpink 07-24-2007 10:18 PM

hmmm...you could try making yakisoba out of ramen

basically after it becomes soft like the way u usually eat it... you drain the water and then you put it in a frying pan with oil of course
and then you add ingredients that you like like meat or vegetables like...
onions, carrots, scallions, etc. whatever you want...
add a little salt and some other spices,..
and let it fry ,,,
toss it in the air and let it fry some more until it gets to nice golden or brownish color...

really good~
but if you want more specific instructions
you could google 'how to make yakisoba' or 'recipes for yakisoba'
or if you want some ideas or pictures of it, google images of it on google!~
good luck with it and i hope you do try it! ^^

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