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-   -   I Can't believe Japanese people still eat this! (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/japanese-food/6933-i-cant-believe-japanese-people-still-eat.html)

AsianG1 08-13-2007 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Kakashi (Post 203833)
Excuse me for saying this but.......Mcdonalds does not count as food!!!!!!!! Damnit!

thats true but people in america consume alot of it everyday
its kinda hard not to hate macdonalds:p

clairebear 08-13-2007 10:26 PM


Sophieneechan 08-13-2007 11:16 PM

I am SICK of McDonalds!
And that's kind of stange, considering I've only eaten there once or twice in my life..

I don't really like fast food though..

But isn't this thread about that funny fish that blows itself up when feeling threatend?

BillyT 08-14-2007 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Sophieneechan (Post 206369)
I am SICK of McDonalds!
And that's kind of stange, considering I've only eaten there once or twice in my life..

I don't really like fast food though..

But isn't this thread about that funny fish that blows itself up when feeling threatend?

Yup, instead of discussing the highly famous poisonous fish that kills people every year in Japan, they're rambling on about fast food. :rolleyes:

xKyoxLoverx 08-14-2007 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by Housetek (Post 203745)
I cant believe Americans eat this!

Looks disgusting.
I know this is probably a bit late but it looks gross still...

vulgarshudder 08-14-2007 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 204245)
People generally die from eating fugu (pufferfish) not because the chef made a mistake, but because people purposely put the poison the fish created naturally onto the fish. A little bit numbs the mouth, but too much is deadly. If you don't put the poison on, you have nothing to worry about.

I was about to point this out. Also eating the poison gives you a bit of a buzz apparently.

Shaelyn 08-18-2007 03:15 AM

I refuse to eat mcdonalds...and most other fast food restaurants too.

I wouldn't mind trying fugu one day.

then again, I've also had tripe and tendon at pho restaurants. I love vietnamese as much as japanese food. the tendon was a little rough, though...I probably won't do that again.

~laughs~ yes, I will eat stomach lining before mcdonalds.

darkangelgrl 08-18-2007 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by Housetek (Post 203745)
I cant believe Americans eat this!

Ok well we can eat thay because it is GOOD!
Come on....
Then to top it off you have it all between to pancakes with maple syrup!
I am SOOO eating mickey d's tomorrow!

AppleheadMcMaster 08-21-2007 08:43 PM

I'm scared to eat fugu, squid, jellyfish, and raw foods because I fear I'll die from it, I'm not used to the Japan diet because I'm always eating American food. Though it doesn't pay to try something new as long as you know what you're eating I guess.

McDonald's is starting to lost it. The steak egg and cheese bagel and pancakes, egg and sausage breakfasts are to me the only good thing about the restaurant. I tried hash browns a few times from there and it tasted like a piece of you know what. My mom could cook hash browns better than that. :mad: I'm sticking to Burger King's Whopper. :p

Shaelyn 08-22-2007 12:36 AM

squid? you won't do squid?

I've never heard of eating squid being harmful at all. it is kind of rubbery and hard to eat, especially if it isn't prepared right...but that isn't going to kill you.

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