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Tsuzuki 10-08-2007 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by CrystalTear (Post 260849)
By the way, I don't think it's weird Japanese people eat fugu. I'd never do it because of the risk, but I'm just a chicken xD But I acutally think it'd taste quite well.

yay :vsign:

tahunovas 10-10-2007 10:51 AM

Post Deleted

waterlilly 10-10-2007 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 222566)
Fugu would only be available at high-end sushi restaurants or fugu restaurants. In Japan the chef has to have a special permit to serve it (at least I heard that). I don't ever remember seeing it in the US.

I've had the pleasure of enjoying fugu at Sushi Yasuda in New York City. Wonderful and delicate, I'd gladly eat it again. :rheart:

Tsuzuki 10-10-2007 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by tahunovas (Post 262944)
If they still eat it, it must taste pretty good...

.................................................... :vsign:

NickVelvet 10-10-2007 04:26 PM

Fugu is something I would like to try. Mostly so that I can say I tried it. Most deaths are due to untrained individuals, or eathing the highly toxic liver.

There are about 15 restaurants in the US licensed to prepare it. Most are in NY. There is one in LA and another in Seattle I belive.

Tsuzuki 10-10-2007 04:38 PM

OO yay ^^

Illusional 10-10-2007 05:43 PM

fugu is nothing to be worried about. people in general (americans) are too afraid to try something new and exotic. if you add some ponzu sauce, in my opinion, it tastes like tai... snapper.


mokonafan 10-21-2007 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by BillyT (Post 203737)
Fugu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tetraodontidae - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

· Puffer fish get their name from a natural ability. When they feel threatened, they puff up to as much as twice their normal size.

· Other names for puffer fish include fugu, blowfish, globefish and balloon fish.

· There are over 100 species of puffer fish. They live in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans.

· The poison from the puffer fish is 1,000 times stronger than cyanide. It is called tetrodoxin. One puffer fish has enough of the chemical to kill 30 adults.

· People in Japan eat puffer fish even though they know they can die if it isn’t prepared properly.

· Puffer fish are carnivores. They eat only meat.

· Puffer fish have fused teeth which they use to crush their prey and grind it. They eat sea urchins, coral, sponges and small crustaceans.

· Puffer fish have small mouths and fins in proportion to the rest of their body.

· Modified scales come in the form of spines.

· These fish have elasticized skin which enables them to puff up.

· The size of puffer fish is between six and twenty four inches long.

· Puffer fish can blink and close their eyes, which is very unusual. There are few fish that can accomplish this.

yea. japanese ppl eat globe fish. i think its pretty cool. it is a fish with a delicate flavor, so i can see why people like it. you can prepare i so many ways and it will taste good.:pandasmile:

Slykaz1 10-21-2007 01:15 AM

Hmmmm. I don't know about that, in my culture we kill, prepare, cook and eat our prey that same day. So I don't think it's weird to do that. I'd try it only if I don't get to see or hear how they prepare it.
I'm a bit squirmish at witnessing something like that.

animelover32 11-04-2007 10:00 PM

As long as someone didn't tell me the fish was poisoness and put it in front of me I would eat it. It doesn't sound THAT bad. If the Japanese are still eating it after all this time it can't be THAT deadly. Now McDonalds...that's another story. I haven't eaten that stuff they call food for at least 3 years now.

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