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MihoSayuri 08-13-2007 08:31 AM

Need some help..
I need some help on identifying a drink a friend of mine let me try.

It was in a pearly, sea green bottle. It kind of tasted like a melony malt, something like that. It had little watermelon faces on it.

Help? XD

masaegu 08-15-2007 04:31 AM

Was this a soft drink? I can't think of anything with watermelon faces on the bottle off the top of my head, but I will try to find what it is next time I go to the supermarket.

MihoSayuri 08-15-2007 05:50 AM

What technically qualifies a drink to be a soft drink?

MMM 08-15-2007 05:52 AM

non-alcoholic...sweet drink that isn't fruit juice.

Peachboy 08-15-2007 05:54 AM

Hey MMM guy...is that really your face?

MMM 08-15-2007 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by Peachboy (Post 207478)
Hey MMM guy...is that really your face?

That question seems a little off topic...

Peachboy 08-15-2007 05:59 AM

just curious that's all but u still havent answered me

MihoSayuri 08-15-2007 06:31 AM

Yes well then it was a soft-drink.

It was really good and I wish I could find it somewhere!

Peachboy 08-15-2007 06:44 AM

mihosayuri ur pretty off topic i know

MihoSayuri 08-15-2007 10:42 PM

Just so you know, my avatar is not a picture of me. (I wish)

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