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NiaSama 01-11-2017 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by RadioKid (Post 1637656)
The title of this thread should be "Japanese Winter Foods loved by Foreign Chefs". Sorry for my thoughtless post.

It is no problem to share the Youtube link. I think links on the web are all free to share.

And I will add more explanations to the list of 20 foods later on.

Thank you for sharing!

You don't have to say you're sorry really you just made a very interesting thread ... you have no idea how many italian ppl asked me on the forum where I shared this more infos about how these food were cooked ... I translated as much as I coud. In particular a friend of mine was curious about mochi and she never heard buri daikon. :)
So thank you :)

NiaSama 01-11-2017 03:44 PM

@sangetsu I dunno what oden is but form what I understand it seems quite similar to a dish we have here in the north of Italy ? it is called Boiled and it is made of boiling parts of a cow and is served with tomato sauce or mayonnaise.
Oden is something like that ?:confused:

RadioKid 01-11-2017 11:24 PM

Here is how you could cook the ODEN.

NiaSama 01-12-2017 10:11 PM

Ah ok now I can see what oden is. Thanks :)

RadioKid 02-10-2017 03:34 PM

I already posted about the number one Japanese food "MOCHI".


It is surprise for Japanese that the MOCHI is selected as number one by foreign chefs because it is very usual and never be thought that is attractive for foreign people.

RadioKid 02-10-2017 04:31 PM

BURI-DAIKON is made as family recipe. Very few restaurant serve BURI-DAIKON in Japan. So foreign visitors would not see BURI-DAIKON unless they were invited in Japanese family dinner.

As DAIKON has very thin taste, it absorbs taste of BURI and make some magic tricks.

RadioKid 02-11-2017 12:45 PM

#3 ODEN: I already posted in this thread.

#4 ANKOU-NABE:monk fish in hot-pot;

ANKOU(monk fish) lives in deep sea. When catched, ANKOU has very soft body and difficult to cook.

To discompose ANKOU, they use technique called "TSURUSHI-GIRI:cut in hanging".


The chef cut off following parts from ANKOU;

1) fins
2) skins
3) gills
4) liver
5) water bag(stomac)
6) cloth(ovary)
7) meat

Once I experienced full course of ANKOU it means I ate all these parts. I like ANKOU liver (AN-KIMO in Japanese) but other parts are not to my taste.

How to make ANKO-NABE. Soup is made from ANKOU liver and MISO.

RadioKid 02-11-2017 01:21 PM

#5 KANI: crab

You will see eating raw crabs sometimes in Japan. But it is dangerous because raw crab might have parasites.

NiaSama 02-12-2017 03:42 PM

Very interesting all things that I didn't know ... it's great learning new things . Thank you RadioKid :)

RadioKid 02-19-2017 01:28 PM

6. AMA-ZAKE:甘酒;Sweet SAKE

AMA-ZAKE is soft drink with less than 1% of alcohol.

There are two ways to make AMA-ZAKE.

One is making AMA-ZAKE by shallow fermentation of steamed rice like as SAKE.

Another way to make AMA-ZAKE is making it by liquefying SAKE-KASU. KASU is slag in making SAKE. I mean the rest of fermented rice when pressed.

In this movie, a foreigner bought "SAKE-KASU" and enjoy it eating.

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