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SirBors 09-18-2007 06:34 PM

One question about unagi
Does anyone know how to cook Unagi? I tried to look for grilled unagi recipe, but I just can't seem to find it..
So, I guess it doesn't hurt to post here, asking if anyone could help me out with this..

masaegu 09-18-2007 11:50 PM

Are you sure you want to cook unagi? Even almost no Japanese would cook the unagi at home as it's nearly impossible for the amateurs to bone it.

I will get back if I find a site explaining what you need. But one question. In what form do you get unagi? I'm taking it for granted that you get them alive, and that's why I mentioned the boning. But if you get them boned and perhaps pre-cooked without the sauce, things will be much easier.

MMM 09-19-2007 12:03 AM

I only see it preboned and precooked at the supermarkets here.

SirBors 09-19-2007 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by masaegu (Post 238266)
Are you sure you want to cook unagi? Even almost no Japanese would cook the unagi at home as it's nearly impossible for the amateurs to bone it.

I will get back if I find a site explaining what you need. But one question. In what form do you get unagi? I'm taking it for granted that you get them alive, and that's why I mentioned the boning. But if you get them boned and perhaps pre-cooked without the sauce, things will be much easier.

Well, I once fished for some eel.. I guess, just in case if I catch any; I will try it

AryaSyailindra 09-30-2007 10:03 PM

im looking forward for unagi recipe too, its a famous food in indonesia too
but maybe the eel itself are in a different species, but i really want the recipe

and i heard there are unagi that called anagi or something like that, that only can be found only in a specific location in japan, they say it has a delecious taste, far more delecious than ordinary unagi, is that true ?

they say its like comparing an ordinary beef meat to kobe beef meat

MMM 09-30-2007 10:38 PM

I think you are thinking "anago". It is a sea eel, where unagi are freshwater eels. I don't really taste so much of a difference.

kunroku 11-30-2007 07:18 AM

Better leave it pros
Hi, I happen to live near Hamamatsu and I strongly encourage you to ask professional cook and not to cook raw Unagi yourself, because the blood of unagi contain toxic substances which causes severe damage especially to your eyes when not heated. This is why the most grocery stores do not handle raw Unagi and sell only pre-cooked, pre-sauced unagi packages.

BTW, seemingly the most popular unagi cuisine around Hamamatsu is "una-don"...I personally like Nagoya's "hitsumabushi" style unagi&rice better.

MMM 11-30-2007 07:58 AM

I had that in Nagoya, too! A real treat.

bloodsinger 11-30-2007 08:02 AM

Now I really feel like eating Unagi. Haha.

If anyone has any recipes please post. I would like to try my hand at it.

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