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NakamuraYumi 10-29-2007 09:18 PM


I'm getting pissed at my boring country, with boring food, people, culture, and so on..:mad:

I mean.. I've have never tasted japanese food.
Ok.. I've ate rice, but not things like sushi.

and It SUCKS!

Someone that share this boringness? ;)

Illusional 10-30-2007 05:14 PM

share this boredom with you?? why would anyone else want to be bored if you already hate being bored??


MrCent 10-30-2007 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Illusional (Post 281668)
share this boredom with you?? why would anyone else want to be bored if you already hate being bored??



Why don't you just go eat sushi?

Btw, could you stop writing about how boring Sweden is, you should be happy you were born there, and what makes you think that you're not a boring person?

xYinniex 10-30-2007 10:30 PM

STOP spamming. theres so many food threads already digressing this problem of yours. go discuss there.

NakamuraYumi 11-01-2007 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by MrCent (Post 281876)

Why don't you just go eat sushi?

Btw, could you stop writing about how boring Sweden is, you should be happy you were born there, and what makes you think that you're not a boring person?

Så du är Svensk du?
Jag slår väl vad om att du lever i Sthlm, Gbg Malmö lr något sådant..

NakamuraYumi 11-01-2007 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Illusional (Post 281668)
share this boredom with you?? why would anyone else want to be bored if you already hate being bored??


I dont mean that I want people to be bored with me.
I'm asking if anyone feels the same.

Not like, Hey I'm bored, be bored with me.

dragonflyheels 11-01-2007 06:36 PM

Nonsense... Sweden is quite interesting... I'm studying the 17th century in Sweden in History =P
I'm sure you have some good cultural food in Sweden... that, well, comes from Sweden. By the way sushi isn't so great... I eat it sometimes, but it isn't brilliant.

xinvictusx 11-01-2007 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by NakamuraYumi (Post 280742)

I'm getting pissed at my boring country, with boring food, people, culture, and so on..:mad:

I mean.. I've have never tasted japanese food.
Ok.. I've ate rice, but not things like sushi.

and It SUCKS!

Someone that share this boringness? ;)

So what kind of foods do you have in your country? Any food that IS good? What is the "popular" or "famous" dishes?!?

MrCent 11-01-2007 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by NakamuraYumi (Post 283207)
Så du är Svensk du?
Jag slår väl vad om att du lever i Sthlm, Gbg Malmö lr något sådant..

Ja, jag lever i Göteborg, antar att du inte lever i någon vidare stor stad?

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