doubt about houga and youga's exhibition -
12-24-2007, 04:17 PM
Dear friends,
Why our japanese friends use "洋画系公開" when they talk about animes movies?
e.g.: "今度は,洋画系公開の長編アニメになるということで 大 張 り 切 り。"
Which is the difference between youga's exhibition system and and houga's exhibition system?
2- Which the difference between "話作り" and to help with "脚本の段階"?
ぼくも製作の段階から,話作りや,キャラクター・デザインなどで参加してきまし た の で.
b- 今度の作品にも,"脚本の段階"から積極的に参加して.
(Maybe first one means " to write dialogues" and second: "to help in the composition of the script"?)
Thank you very much.
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by kenshiromusou : 12-25-2007 at 01:57 AM.