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Excessum 01-04-2008 08:19 PM

How to enable Japanese characters on your PC
Ok, since recently there have been too many people asking the same question, i decided to write a little guide to help people with this problem.

At this point i can cover only Windows XP, since i haven't got a windows Vista anywhere near me and currently i am not using any Linux systems, but i hope this thread will be updated with the information on all of the most popular Operational systems.

Windows XP

To enable Japanese characters, you must have your Windows XP CD inserted in your CD-ROM and you must have administrator rights to your PC.

Afterwards, it's all peace of cake

Go to StartControl panel

Launch Regional and Language Options
Note: if you don't see the icons as in picture below, click on the link on the left side of the control panel window, that says Switch to Classic View

Select the second tab Languages → put a tick on Install files for East Asian Languages → press Apply

Now all you have to do, is to watch the progress bar fill up and restart your PC
Note: In case it asks you for the files after your CD has been inserted, just show the right path to the CD drive.


ALSO there are tutorial videos available. Both in English and German.

kokunin 02-24-2008 04:55 AM

what about mac? got a MAC X (10)

anrakushi 02-24-2008 10:52 AM

4 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by kokunin (Post 409697)
what about mac? got a MAC X (10)

couldn't be easier on an Apple computer, be default you have all major languages installed, all you need to do is turn on the input mode. You can even change your System Langauge so all menus etc are in that language. My macbook i bought in Hong Kong is currently running OS X in Japanese system language.

Picture 1: Here you can change language settings

Picture 2: There are you options, the first one allows you to set your system language. This means all your menus in your computer. such as the apple menu bar at the top.

Picture 3: This is where you can select your language input methods

Picture 4: If you wish you can force a program to always open in a particular language. For example I have shown Adium. there is a languages section (where the blue check boxes are) If i wanted to make it open in Simplified Chinese as the application language (not the input but actually menus etc) rather than the default system language, i can deselect all the other languages there and it will always open only in Simplified Chinese no matter what the system language is set to.

FantasyQueen 02-24-2008 10:58 AM

I tried this yesterday but it didn't work out cuzz of some cd he's lookin for.. Which one cd should i get or wut? *confused*

anrakushi 02-24-2008 11:24 AM

well you should have a copy of Windows XP/Vista on disc, this is the disc you are looking for.

Kayci 02-24-2008 01:58 PM

Well, they're already on my compy.
But how to set the keyboard and stuff so I can use it...
It's a pain being only able to read and not reply back, especially since I screw up romaji so badly. *Is it ha, or wa? Is it you or yoo? ARGH!!!*

anrakushi 02-24-2008 10:40 PM

you will find the answers to your questions in the advanced tab in regional and language settings from the directions in the first post.

Kayci 02-25-2008 12:09 AM

...I've got nothing. :/
I can't set up the whole computer to have everything in japanese...my family will kill me, since we share it.

I'm sorry, I'm computer dumb, but I'm confused.

Miyavifan 02-26-2008 10:43 PM

What if you use a computer where you don't have administrative rights, like at the library?

joanna 02-27-2008 12:21 AM

thanks that is helpful.

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