Sorry for annoy you again, my friends. I got new problems with my translations.
Could you help me here? (it already turned an addiction to disturb you

1- Takeruはくずれてきた像の刃の下じきとなって死に。
I dont understand this "下じきとなって" - The phrase talks that The statue [Susano] entered in collapse, and his[statue] sword ended up killing squeezed Takeru. Is it?
2 - 何度となく,終了!の噂が流れた「Berserk」も立派に成長し ました。
I did this question already, but I think nobody saw it last time.
Does the sentence speak that, in spite of the rumors that the series would be canceled, it continued growing? Is it? This ! after shûryô is very weir for me.
Thank you very much and sorry for annoy you.