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-   -   Japanese in Mangaland (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/japanese-language-help/14466-japanese-mangaland.html)

sugoiaisukurimudesu 04-11-2008 02:21 AM

Japanese in Mangaland
I just bought this book and I highly recommend it to anyone learning Japanese other than just for travel. So many of my questions about some of the things I didn't understand in manga, anime, and magazines were answered here. It also included the first 160? kanji from "remembering the kanji". I'm not a big fan of the manga drawings, but they really do give you an idea of what the character is trying to convey. It includes the original text, romaji, a literal translation, and a translation that makes sense in English.

As someone trying to find various parts of sentences in manga and trying to understand what I hear when I watch Japanese film on the internet with little or no success, this book is a time-saver. And the best part is that it isn't a crutch like looking up the translations (if you can find them), but it makes you think about each word and why it's being used. It's great! I only wish I had bought it months ago.

BakaCrisis 04-11-2008 02:42 AM

Wow, you bought it? Hehe theres a free .pdf online ;_; I guess I'll send it to you if youd liike Or anyone else for that matter

MMM 04-11-2008 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by BakaCrisis (Post 456622)
Wow, you bought it? Hehe theres a free .pdf online ;_; I guess I'll send it to you if youd liike Or anyone else for that matter

Please don't because we want to support writers and publishers who release the titles we enjoy. Reading books for free online only results in the number of those kinds of books being released decrease. If you like a book, author, publisher, then support them by actually paying for your entertainment.

BakaCrisis 04-11-2008 02:57 AM

I see what your sayin I purchased a travel guide for Japan for $25... but umm, I swear I got it form the site itself or something. It was completly legit.

MMM 04-11-2008 03:00 AM

Google books has a copy, but it isn't complete. I found a PDF, but it isn't legit.

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