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tsukimoon 05-27-2008 07:52 PM

A couple Japanese questions...
Hi! In my "studies" today I came across a couple things that I don't understand...

1.) What is the difference between kochira and kono and when do you use each? Is it just that kochira is for introducing people? Some examples would be really helpful :)

2.) In the example it used to teach me how to say where someone is from when the subject is already implied from the previous sentence, it says that you can leave out "watakushi wa Kyoto-umare desu." I understand this except that I'm wondering what watakushi means? I thought it would be watashi instead... >.>

If anyone could answer these questions it would be really really super appreciated!!!

ありがと ございます :vsign:

~Tsukimoon :rheart:

MMM 05-27-2008 07:58 PM

Kochira is a noun and it means "this way" or "this direction"
Kono means "this" and needs to be followed by a noun.

Kochira wa Yamamoto-san - This is Yamamoto-san (when introducing someone).

toire wa kochira desu - The bathroom is this way.

kono hito ha Yamamoto-san. This person is Yamamoto-san (an awkward introduction, but could be used when pointing out someone in a picture.)

kono mise ha yasui desu - This store is inexpensive.

tsukimoon 05-27-2008 08:04 PM

Ok thanks :)

I think I meant to ask what's the difference between kochira and kono hito >.< but whatever, you ended up answering it anyways ^^

One thing though, if I wanted to say "that person's name is Yamamoto-san," would I say "sono hito no namae wa Yamamoto-san desu" or "kochira no namae wa Yamamoto-san desu?" Or would I just not say that and stick to "Kochira wa Yamamoto-san desu?"

So many questions, sorry xD

KitsuneFr 05-27-2008 08:07 PM


watakushi is a more polite form than watashi (which is normally polite enough to be used by gaijin (don't use the boku or ore form!), but if you are speaking to much higher rank than you, use watakushi (spoken watakushi)

See ya then,

tsukimoon 05-27-2008 08:10 PM

Thanks again Katsune >.<
Oh and thanks for the little pronounciation note, that can always use work :P


MMM 05-27-2008 08:16 PM

Unless you are talking to the emperor, there is never a time when "watashi" isn't polite enough. And it is perfectly fine for males to use "boku" in most situations.

"that person's name is Yamamoto-san," would I say "sono hito no namae wa Yamamoto-san desu"

Yes. That is a good sentence.

"kochira no namae wa Yamamoto-san desu?" Or would I just not say that and stick to "Kochira wa Yamamoto-san desu?"

Are you introducing him in person?

tsukimoon 05-27-2008 08:20 PM

Okay so here's how I understand it:

Kochira is for introducing someone in person and sono/kono/ano hito is for just like, pointing out a person?

Is that correct?


MMM 05-28-2008 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by tsukimoon (Post 498864)
Okay so here's how I understand it:

Kochira is for introducing someone in person and sono/kono/ano hito is for just like, pointing out a person?

Is that correct?


I wish it were as black and white as that. You wouldn't use sono or ano hito to introduce someone, because you aren't standing next to them. kono hito sounds a little direct, but you could use "kono kata" which is more polite.

tsukimoon 05-28-2008 03:02 AM

Okay thanks :D

I'm sorry I'm so unsmart -_-;;

This is why my Japanese friend's mom said she couldnt teach me.. because she knows too much and I would keep asking why and it would never end >.<

MMM 05-28-2008 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by tsukimoon (Post 499245)
Okay thanks :D

I'm sorry I'm so unsmart -_-;;

This is why my Japanese friend's mom said she couldnt teach me.. because she knows too much and I would keep asking why and it would never end >.<

Don't worry...keep asking.

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