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Steve1148 06-01-2008 04:07 AM

Quick Translation Help
I'm trying to learn Japanese, but I can't make head or tales out of this photo caption:


If anyone could help me out, it would be much appreciated.

MMM 06-01-2008 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by Steve1148 (Post 502808)
I'm trying to learn Japanese, but I can't make head or tales out of this photo caption:


If anyone could help me out, it would be much appreciated.

It means "Super show-off" or "Trying to look cool"

ちょー : Super, very, clearly

かっこ : Appearance

つけ : attaching, adding on...

in this case adding on something to his appearance so "adding something fake"

Nagoyankee 06-01-2008 04:17 AM

lol This is something your dictionary won't help you understand. It's all colloquial.

ちょー means 'very', 'extreme(ly)', 'really', etc.

かっこつけ means someone who likes to look cooler than he actually is or the act of trying to look cool.

So, ちょーかっこつけ means "(Someone is) trying really hard to look cool."

(Only the context will tell who that someone can be. )

EDIT: MMM beat me to it.

MMM 06-01-2008 04:18 AM

This time I beat you, Nagoyankee!


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