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Sakura72 06-03-2008 02:38 PM

Kanji Odyssey 2001 help!
Hi all, Im new here:mtongue:

I need a sentence or passage from the intro of this book so i can enter the KO sentence group. I have the books ordered but since I'm going to Japan in 3 days:D I'm worried they wont arrive in time and I wont be able to study while im away on my laptop. thisll be a biiiiiig shame becuase I'm away for a month and I was hoping to improve while I was over there. also I dont want to buy them while in japan coz I've ordered and paid already.


Diego84 06-03-2008 03:54 PM

In the worst case you can buy some kanji book for foreigners in Japan, when working in Nagoya i founded a bookshop only for foreigners, written in english ofc

Sakura72 06-03-2008 04:11 PM

hmmm well I really wanted to use KO because i've heard such great things about it....... and I can 'hook up' with my books when I get home if i need to :)

does anyone have it?? :o

Sakura72 06-03-2008 08:14 PM

You can PM if your modest. or do you know anyone who maybe able to help me???? thank you!!!!!

Sakura72 06-04-2008 09:46 AM

pllllllz I havent got much time does anyone kno??

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