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04-30-2007, 03:05 PM
HI, Eomer!!!thank you for answer me...
I just got my pc with vista, but I don't know what happened that the images and the movies disappear, don't load!!!I can't see youtube anymore!!!rs Well, I Know that I have press F8 and go to Advance boot options and choose security mode, and then do what you said, but I press F8 and in the next step I don't know what option is security mode, I go to System to see the way that you learn,but had two shisutemuno(sorry, my pc have not hiragana;katakana)....and both didn't the same...I don't know what do... ![]() ![]() |
04-30-2007, 03:57 PM
I'm not familiar with Vista, too.
I have heard the trouble same as yours. How about following steps? 1. uninstall your flash player. 2. reinstall the flash player. sorry, my suggestion can't be so useful. |
05-01-2007, 06:11 AM
Hi, Debezo, I tried do what you said, I Uninstal the flash player, but now I can't downloaded the flash player because the downloaded page don't correctly loaded. In the page top appears a warning, and then when I click on, a windows appears, can you help me, I don't know what means. I put the message here, if you can help me, said what means, I would be happy...
セキュリティ ゾーン : Web サイトを追加または削除する Internet Explorer はすべての Web サイトを、インターネット、ローカル イントラネット、信頼済みサイト、または制限付きサイ トのいずれかのセキュリティ ゾーンに割り当てます。Web サイトが割り当てられるゾーンにより、そのサイトに適 用されるセキュリティ設定が決まります。イントラネッ ト、信頼済み、または制限付きのゾーンにどの Web サイトを割り当てるかを選択することができます。Web サイトを特定のゾーンに追加すると、そのサイトに適用 されるセキュリティのレベルを制御できます。たとえば 、閲覧する Web サイトの一覧があり、それらのサイトを完全に信頼する 場合、それらのサイトは信頼済みのゾーンに追加します 。 セキュリティ ゾーンの詳細については、「Internet Explorer のセキュリティ設定を変更する」を参照してください |
05-01-2007, 06:33 AM
if you have trouble with translating what it says.. i prefer you to use this website..
AltaVista - Babel Fish Translation it can translate what you didn't understand.. you can choose japanese to english... hope it can help you.. dame dattara.. nihongo wo benkyou suru hoka ni naranai kana.. Don't do drugs! ![]() ![]() |
05-01-2007, 01:09 PM
Hi, smart-san.
I'm not sure about Vista and IE7. and I recommend you to use Firefox or Opera etc. however, sorry, you may not have needed to uninstall Flash player in your case. I think, your security setting disabled ActiveX(Is this default of Vista?). you can add your trusted site(such as adobe site, youtube) to the 'trusted sites zone', then reinstall flash player at adobe site. :add to trusted sites zone(IE6) - セキュリティ ゾーン : Web サイトを追加 select menubar -> ツール -> インターネットオプション -dialogbox open select tab 'セキュリティ' push icon '信頼済みサイト' -> push button 'サイト' -dialogbox open intput address to '次のwebサイトをゾーンに追加する' push button '追加' -> push button 'OK' push button 'OK' -added to trusted zone. セキュリティ ゾーン = security zone ツール = tool インターネットオプション = internet option セキュリティ = security サイト = site 信頼済みサイト = trusted sites 追加 = add reference pages. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/...ity/setup.mspx http://www.microsoft.com/japan/windows/ie/using/howto/security/setup.mspx(japanese) Internet Explorer: Checklists |
05-02-2007, 02:43 AM
Ur, I think I know what you say about the flashplayer install,
Recommend you come here http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/downl...n/1/index.html the adobe website, and download the flashplayer, Note: 1.If a browser Security Warning dialog box appears like the one below, you will need to click Yes to install the player. (just click the warning bar and choose the first one) 2. Then will jump out a diagram, there will be two buttions, click the " インストールする(install)", just wait when the downing is over you could see a flash on this page, tell you sucessfully intalled. ![]() |
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