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Pheonix1337 07-09-2008 07:16 AM

translation help
Im doing a project for my japanese class, and Im trying to translate the following line, "For in that sleep of death what dreams may come" in hiragana. All the places Ive checked show kanji beyond that level, if anyone could help that would be great.

james1254 07-09-2008 08:11 AM

what a weird Japanese project O.o . For a good translation you should wait for a native speaker of Japanese.

MMM 07-09-2008 08:12 AM

I am just curious as to what class would require you to translate that phrase into hiragana.

MrDrEsq 07-09-2008 09:54 AM

oh man, no easy job taking on the bard. of course, adaptations and translations have been available in japan since the mid 19th century but, ill give it a shot, maybe to get the discussion going.

james1254 07-09-2008 10:24 AM

So you want a translation of this line that already exists put into hiragana or you have to translate from English to Japanese?
I'll have a go at translating it but its obviously completely wrong XD
in the sleep of death what do we dream of (thats as close as i could get)

MrDrEsq 07-09-2008 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by james1254 (Post 531688)
in the sleep of death what do we dream of (thats as close as i could get)

you left out the death part

james1254 07-09-2008 01:33 PM

i used nemuru instead of neru for sleep and as far as i know nemuru has connotations of death.

MrDrEsq 07-09-2008 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by james1254 (Post 531785)
i used nemuru instead of neru for sleep and as far as i know nemuru has connotations of death.

well yes and no.
yes, when we already know the person who sleeps is dead.
probably no when you are talking about dreaming.
-if you didn't know what you were working from originally, would you have identified your translation as shakespeare? how would you have translated it back into english?

Rogozhin 07-09-2008 10:41 PM

I'm gonna take a stab at this (gonna sound cheezy)


Pheonix1337 07-10-2008 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 531665)
I am just curious as to what class would require you to translate that phrase into hiragana.

Well its not a requirement to translate it. Its for my Japanese class.Were doing a project on what are dream is. We are too make a short film that reflects this, and this was one of the first quotes I thought of and would like to use it as the opening to my presentation. I like the quote more without the death part, but its not really a quote if its edited, and I cant think of any other relevant quotes

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