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Dadibom 09-16-2008 11:01 AM

Some sentences..
I know some basic japanese, and I'd like to know if these sentences are correct:

The teacher of my school.
Sensei no watashi gokkou.

My japanese car.
Watashi no kuruma no nihon.

My dad is my teacher.
Watashi no chichi watachi no sensei desu.

That's just some sentences i came up with, the point is that i'd like to know if the words are in the right order and stuff like that.
// Dadibom

MaU 09-16-2008 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Dadibom (Post 586622)
I know some basic japanese, and I'd like to know if these sentences are correct:

The teacher of my school.
Sensei no watashi gokkou.

My japanese car.
Watashi no kuruma no nihon.

My dad is my teacher.
Watashi no chichi watachi no sensei desu.

That's just some sentences i came up with, the point is that i'd like to know if the words are in the right order and stuff like that.
// Dadibom

the teacher of my school.
watashi no gakkou no sensei

my japanese car.
watashi no nihon seino kuruma

my dad is my teacher.
watashi no chichi ha(wa) watashi no sensei desu.

i think you are so close:)

chryuop 09-16-2008 01:07 PM

Mau, can you please write the kanji for that "sei". You see, studing I had always met 日本の車 (or similar phrases), I had never heard 日本せいの車 and can't find on my dictionary any translation for it.

Sangetsu 09-16-2008 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by chryuop (Post 586670)
Mau, can you please write the kanji for that "sei". You see, studing I had always met 日本の車 (or similar phrases), I had never heard 日本せいの車 and can't find on my dictionary any translation for it.

I think he is using 生, which means birth or origin. I would just say "nihon no kuruma desu"

MaU 09-16-2008 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by chryuop (Post 586670)
Mau, can you please write the kanji for that "sei". You see, studing I had always met 日本の車 (or similar phrases), I had never heard 日本せいの車 and can't find on my dictionary any translation for it.

oh you can say "nihon no kuruma" too!!
but you can say 日本製の車 too!!

chryuop 09-16-2008 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by MaU (Post 586685)
oh you can say "nihon no kuruma" too!!
but you can say 日本製の車 too!!

Thank you very much, I added it to my grammar book :)

Tain 09-17-2008 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by Sangetsu (Post 586679)
I think he is using 生, which means birth or origin. I would just say "nihon no kuruma desu"

hmm, it means -made or make, sort of like made in japan (日本製), made in china (中国製).

Dadibom 09-23-2008 08:20 AM

What does seino mean? Is there any difference from no?

james1254 09-23-2008 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Dadibom (Post 591906)
What does seino mean? Is there any difference from no?

nihonsei is Japanese made no is the possesive particle.

MMM 09-23-2008 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Dadibom (Post 591906)
What does seino mean? Is there any difference from no?

Your understanding of Japanese is very basic. You have some words there, but none of the sentences in your first post were grammatically correct. You seem to have some vocabulary, which is good, but it's time to work on grammar.

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