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SSJup81 09-23-2008 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by typechin (Post 591759)
guys?? is it difficult to write japanese char.????

If you have a guide, I don't feel that it is.

I have a program on my computer that can show the direction and order of writing the strokes for Kanji characters. Just follow the directions and you should be okay, but of course, with practice, you'll get better at it. It's like when first learning how to write in your language. I'm sure the handwriting was a bit sloppy, but over time, you learned to write out your characters better and it became more legible. Japanese should be no different.

Harold 09-25-2008 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 591367)
It does also mean book.

本屋さん Honyasan


I was letting the OP know that 本 is not always going to mean book. Sorry for not mentioning that.

MMM 09-25-2008 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by Harold (Post 593555)
I was letting the OP know that 本 is not always going to mean book. Sorry for not mentioning that.

OK I gotcha.

Yes, that kanji can mean book, root or source, is used as a counter for cylindrical objects and is also a counter for video-tapes (some of you might remember those).

Snail 10-29-2008 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by SSJup81 (Post 588306)
The one you use with age.

Watashi wa nijuuroku sai desu.
I am 26 years old.

I am also from Virginia, what district or town? I'm from chesterfield which is near richmond. :p

SSJup81 10-29-2008 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Snail (Post 617699)
I am also from Virginia, what district or town? I'm from chesterfield which is near richmond. :p

Howdy. Wow, you are very close to me. I live in Henrico County.

Snail 10-30-2008 01:57 AM

Heheh, I hear there is tons of violence there. I also heard the schools are super strict and so are the courts. T_T

SSJup81 10-30-2008 06:50 AM

I decided to PM that post since it was getting so OT.

BTW, Snail are you taking the JLPT or anything?

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