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Vigge 09-22-2008 10:07 PM

Swedish girl want some tip on how to learn japanese..

I´m 23 years old and want to learn japanese....but it is hard to find anything on swedish....only find help on english. And becasue I´m working right know and don´t study anymore in school, so can´t I just leave to japan and learn the language at a school with swedish teachers right now.

I am planing on going to japan soon and love to learn as much as possible so I can talk to people there in japanese and understand them better.

I like anime and watch alot and trying to learn som words but it is hard to know how to write it if I just learn japanese by speaking it.

I have just starting to learn so are a big noob (beginner). I would be very happy If anyone have some tip for me where I can find som infomation and help in my study so I can reach my goal. Or if someone can offer his or her help with translation and other things.

// Veronica :ywave: :marusmile:

Scoob94P 09-23-2008 05:40 PM

Hi Veronica, In anime they use very colloquial (native phrases etc) language and so you can't learn so well just by watching anime, some people have claimed to have learnt japanese purely through anime but in the long run that's not very beneficial as I hope you know, the language you'd use to your friends you wouldn't use to your boss.
Get yourself a good dictionary, learn the hiragana and katakana and the grammar patterns. I know some good sites that i'd be happy to PM you if you wish.

For any more tips just ask


Vigge 09-23-2008 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Scoob94P (Post 592150)
Hi Veronica, In anime they use very colloquial (native phrases etc) language and so you can't learn so well just by watching anime, some people have claimed to have learnt japanese purely through anime but in the long run that's not very beneficial as I hope you know, the language you'd use to your friends you wouldn't use to your boss.
Get yourself a good dictionary, learn the hiragana and katakana and the grammar patterns. I know some good sites that i'd be happy to PM you if you wish.

For any more tips just ask


Domo arigato gozaimashita!
I would be very glad if you could PM me some sites to me. It would also help me alot if there is a program where I can listen to how to say the words in japanese to.

Yes I know I am not going so far with just anime...but it is hard to find any books written in swedish....find many in english but then I have to translate not only one language but two..:) But if there only exist books in english then I have no choice. :)


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