shad0w, if your Japanese teacher is Japanese, she will already know the uraniwa thing. It's a very, very famous tongue twister in Japanese. Similar to
東京都特許許可局局長(とうきょうととっきょきょかき ょくきょくちょう)
カエルぴょこぴょこ三ぴょこぴょこ合わせてぴょこぴょ こ六ぴょこぴょこ(かえるぴょこぴょこみぴょこぴょこ あわせてぴょこぴょこむぴょこぴょこ)
And to Gamer4Life, I'm not sure where the cussing was in the second post in this thread. "Shut up" is most assuredly not a cuss word.
Last edited by KyleGoetz : 03-25-2009 at 10:51 PM.
Speaking the language is quite easy to pick up although the writing is pretty hard with all that kanji combo stuff. If you want to learn it you just got to get on with it and stop worrying...