Hellow everyone,
This message is aimed towards all of you guys who commented on my last message concerning the stroke order (the message was named kanji).
In fact, I didn't write that message to ask you whether the stroke order is important or not because I actually know the answer which is that the stroke order is EXTREMELY important to enable you to write the kanji. For example if we take one of the chinese characters (kanji) which seems to be complicated and has an advanced level such as: 魔、警、麗... , you WON'T be able to write them legibly without following the proper rules of writing kanji writing kanji (the stroke order). I am completely convinced with what I am saying because actually when I started to learn Japanese I used to ignore the stroke order in the basic kanji which are very easy. However, after a while, I realized that what i was doing is completely wrong, and especially when i started to learn more complicated symbols. If anyone of you claims that the stroke order isn't important i am pretty sorry to tell them that they don't have experience in kanji at all as well as the fact that they won't be progressing in their level of kanji if they still ignoring the stroke the way i did in the past. So please take my speech as an advice to you from someone who has mastered the basic and intermediate and even some of the most sophisticated kanji. If you write the basic kanji according to the correct way of writing, i promise you that you will be able to write the most difficult ones very easily and you will have the ability to memorize them easily as well. You guys are gonna be Experts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But pay attention to one of the important points, which is that the stroke order differs from Chinese to Japanese. Therefore, if you guys wanna learn Japanese so please follow the japanese stroke (Hitsujun/ Kakijun).
I know my message was pretty long but i hope it'll be useful fore the ones of you who desire to learn kanji. Furthermore, I'll be very glad to help you with any trouble you face in learning them. I hope everyone who read this message to post a comment on this window in order to tell me their point of view regarding the topic and especially those ones of you who have enough experience in stroke order and who know its importance.
I'll be waiting to your comments by the few next days.