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KyleGoetz 06-17-2009 09:44 PM

青 as Part of a Kanji
So I decided to group all the 青-using characters I knew or could find that are still in usage (excluding variants that use the old version of 青 (生+円)) to take a look at meaning and reading for you guys.

Perhaps natives or other knowledgeable people can chime in with misunderstandings or characters that I have forgotten to include?

Basically there are five (I think) categorizations of kanji. One is the sound-based compound (形声文字), and one is the meaning-based compound (会意文字).

Most of these are a combination of the two (会意兼形声文字).
  • 青 (あお、セイ、ショウ)—blue, green
  • 鯖 (さば、セイ)—魚(fish)+青(セイ)—mackerel
  • 錆 (さび、セイ)—金(metal)+青(セイ)—rust
  • 情(なさ、ジョウ、セイ)—心(heart)+青(セイ、ジョウ)=emoti on, actual conditions
  • 晴(は、セイ)—日(sun)+青(セイ)=fine weather
  • 清(きよ、セイ)—水(water)+青(セイ)=clear
  • 精(セイ)—米(rice)+青(セイ)=refine, essence, spirit I'm not sure about how the etymology explains the meaning
  • 請(こ、う、セイ)—言(speech/words)+青(セイ)=request
  • 静(しず、セイ)—青(セイ)+争(the etymology is to pluck or pick, but as a radical it means scramble I think)=quiet
  • 瀞(とろ、セイ)—水(water)+静(quiet,セイ)=a pool in a river (not sure if this translation is good...it's not really a popular character in Japanese)
  • 靖(しず、セイ)—立(stand)+青(セイ)=pacify, peaceful (this is an archaic kanji I think)

If any natives could chime in on the bold parts, too, I'd be grateful.

minminRW 06-18-2009 12:48 AM

For your reference,

精 - Wiktionary
瀞 - Wiktionary
靖 - Wiktionary

瀞 A part of river whose stream is slow.
靖 I dont know arcaic or not, it is so minor kanji that it is mainly used for name of person or place, and seems religious such as 靖国神社(Yasukuni shrine).

KyleGoetz 06-18-2009 02:17 AM

Yeah, 靖国神社 is the only thing I knew with that kanji in it.

Thanks for the links, minminRW.

And I think our definitions of 瀞 are the same. Yours is just a better description for someone unfamiliar with the meaning. When I said "pool in a river," I was referring to when a river slows down, it forms a bit of a body of water like a pool so it looks something like this:


How's that for some terrible SJIS art? ;)

minminRW 06-18-2009 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by KyleGoetz (Post 735323)
Yeah, 靖国神社 is the only thing I knew with that kanji in it.

Thanks for the links, minminRW.

And I think our definitions of 瀞 are the same. Yours is just a better description for someone unfamiliar with the meaning. When I said "pool in a river," I was referring to when a river slows down, it forms a bit of a body of water like a pool so it looks something like this:


How's that for some terrible SJIS art? ;)

Haha! You are right.

靖 is often used as name of person.
Male:靖(yasushi),靖人(yasuto,yasihito) and 宮本恒靖(Miyamoto Tsuneyasu/Soccer player)

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