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Tsuruneru 06-22-2009 03:19 AM

Ok for me college starts tomorrow and i got the wrong nihongo book called nakama version1 and the school just got the new version 2 i may not be getting the new book until this friday any ideas on how i can survive the week?

reptilesandsamurai 06-22-2009 03:26 AM

In my experience there is going to be little difference between Edition 1 and Edition 2. There aren't going to be major changes. You should do fine.

JackIsLost 06-22-2009 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by Tsuruneru (Post 736907)
Ok for me college starts tomorrow and i got the wrong nihongo book called nakama version1 and the school just got the new version 2 i may not be getting the new book until this friday any ideas on how i can survive the week?

go to your library, check out the book for an hour, find a copy machine, copy the pages required (granted your teacher provides you with a syllabus). which college do you go to? my class used the same book and were out of stock for the first 3 weeks. i had to resort to this method a ton of times. this book goes pretty slow, then at the end it goes really fast. main thing that almost killed me was learning all the vocab, so master them quickly!!! i brought my book with me to japan :)

JackIsLost 06-22-2009 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by reptilesandsamurai (Post 736909)
In my experience there is going to be little difference between Edition 1 and Edition 2. There aren't going to be major changes. You should do fine.

i would be worried about the workbook that is provided with edition 2. i can't compare them side by side but i wouldn't risk turning in old edition 1 homework. can you get a refund?

Tsuruneru 06-22-2009 03:46 AM

Thanks for the help im going to diablo valley college and no i can't get a refund because i bought the book like months ago and was just told yesterday that they got new books. The textbook and the workbook come in a pack along with a few other items that i will need and all together its about 90$ witch is no problem and i know that they don't have version two at the library.

JackIsLost 06-22-2009 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by Tsuruneru (Post 736918)
Thanks for the help im going to diablo valley college and no i can't get a refund because i bought the book like months ago and was just told yesterday that they got new books. The textbook and the workbook come in a pack along with a few other items that i will need and all together its about 90$ witch is no problem and i know that they don't have version two at the library.

yikes, $90 can get you some nice stuff... first day of class probably wouldn't require you to have your books. just go to your teacher and explain the dilemma and ask her what she thinks of the old book. make friends in the class quickly and ask if they would be so kind as to let you photocopy their books for a while. good luck! gambatte~!

Tsuruneru 06-22-2009 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by JackIsLost (Post 736926)
yikes, $90 can get you some nice stuff... first day of class probably wouldn't require you to have your books. just go to your teacher and explain the dilemma and ask her what she thinks of the old book. make friends in the class quickly and ask if they would be so kind as to let you photocopy their books for a while. good luck! gambatte~!

Thanks dude at times they give the students about a week to get the books i've only seen how the cover looked, but in all i should do my best the worst part im in that one class for about five to six hours without the right books. I didn't want to look stupid this time but i guess i did months before class even started.

JackIsLost 06-22-2009 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by Tsuruneru (Post 736929)
Thanks dude at times they give the students about a week to get the books i've only seen how the cover looked, but in all i should do my best the worst part im in that one class for about five to six hours without the right books. I didn't want to look stupid this time but i guess i did months before class even started.

the time put into this class is no joke. i went tues and thrus for 2.5 hours each day. plus grasping the language was a something else. i am fluent in english and vietnamese... japanese just confused the hell out of me.

Tsuruneru 06-22-2009 05:19 AM

It should not be much of a problem since i know all of hiragana and katakana with a small amount of kanji, its just the work. The only reason why its five to six hours long it because its the summer course and dose not have much time to teach like they do in the fall or spring but the other seasons are about two to three hours.

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