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-   -   Looking for Japanese/English exchange friend (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/japanese-language-help/26029-looking-japanese-english-exchange-friend.html)

Amonsaga 06-23-2009 07:40 PM

Looking for Japanese/English exchange friend
Hi guys I'm new to JF. I'm interested in finding someone from Japan for an Exchange friendship. I'm looking to learn everything from speaking to writing japanese. I'm looking for someone that also uses MSN messenger for writing and voice communitcations in helping with this project of mine. If anyone is interested please PM or E-mail me.

Amonsaga 06-23-2009 07:44 PM

move post pls
Sorry I posted in the wrong spot.. oops.

Mod please more this post to the correct area.

thank you.

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