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chribonn 08-12-2009 06:07 PM

Toyota Vits GPS

I have a Japanese made Toyota Vits that was made for the Japanese market. It comes with a built in GPS that has a Janaese interface. I would be really appreciative if anyone can tell me whether I can change the interface to English - I would need some hand-holding since I am unable to read Japanese.

If you need more information about the car (exact model number, etc) please let me know.

Thank You


Nyororin 08-12-2009 06:11 PM

Chances are, no. And even if you could...
I`m guessing you are in Japan so there would be no real way to use it unless you were able to find compatible maps of your location.

GPS navigation units are very common in Japan, so there is no set one for a certain model of car. Toyota offers about 10 different official choices, and there are literally hundreds of different models out there.
I have yet to see a single one that had an English option.

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