Originally Posted by IcewindDude
It sounds like you do have some patience with cheaters... just not the kind of patience cheaters are looking for  .
Also, how hard is it to translate a 1 page essay in 10 hours?! And the fact that he didn't even read or know what YOU put is even more bothersome. Seems like he's one of those fools who thought it'd be cool and easy to take a Japanese class...
Precisely why I did what I did. He obviously did not care one iota about learning. If he did, he would have caught my insertion (if you'll pardon the punnery).
My life up until Sept. 20-somethingth will be 25 years of near banality, having never had money to do much of anything exciting. I amuse myself by punishing those skating through life by pawning effort off onto others.
It may be a bit awful, but it's amusing for me and hopefully instructive for the victims.