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karatakid 03-10-2007 02:11 PM

i want to learn japanese. can someone help me?
hi, i'm new here and i would like to learn some japanese. i'm from the netherlands. so i can learn you dutch if you want to help me..:vsign:

VIPER 03-16-2007 04:31 PM

i can
i dont know much japanise but i can help you because i learn japanise now

karatakid 03-16-2007 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by VIPER (Post 67974)
i dont know much japanise but i can help you because i learn japanise now

thanks a lot:D

kokusaijin 02-19-2010 05:00 PM

I can help.

Originally Posted by karatakid (Post 63393)
hi, i'm new here and i would like to learn some japanese. i'm from the netherlands. so i can learn you dutch if you want to help me..:vsign:

To say I love you
watashiwa anato wo aishitemasu (formal)
or just say aishiteru commonly pronounced as aishteru
or just say suki which means I like you
how do u say that in dutch?

Sashimister 02-20-2010 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by kokusaijin (Post 800859)
To say I love you
watashiwa anato wo aishitemasu (formal)
or just say aishiteru commonly pronounced as aishteru
or just say suki which means I like you
how do u say that in dutch?

OMG You keeep doing this....

When does one ever say "watashiwa anato wo aishitemasu"? That phrase has nothing to do formality. It's just the teaxtbook translation that you never hear in real life.

Just because the OP is a newbie, that doesn't mean you can say anything. If you want to answer questions, do so the way someone who has lived in Japan as long as you would.

マジでデタラメな解答するの止めていただけませんか。 学習者を混乱させるだけです。

KyleGoetz 02-20-2010 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by kokusaijin (Post 800859)
To say I love you
watashiwa anato wo aishitemasu (formal)
or just say aishiteru commonly pronounced as aishteru
or just say suki which means I like you
how do u say that in dutch?

I'm going to back Sashimister up on this one: This is so wrong it's laughable. You just need to shut up. I hate it when people who obviously know very little give wrong information!

I mean, I do make mistakes occasionally, but it's a little more forgivable because most of the time I give good information and I don't hide the fact that I'm perfect—if I'm unsure, I'll admit it up front.

You just say bullcrap and mislead noobs. I've never seen you give correct information. And then to revive a thread that is three years stale!

konbini 02-20-2010 05:55 AM

Do u want to know conversation, how to read or both?

duo797 02-20-2010 06:17 AM

I don't think it matters what the OP wants. This thread was posted in 2007, and the OP was last logged in almost a full year ago. Why do people necro old threads?

KyleGoetz 02-28-2010 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by tania222 (Post 802246)
Learn to speak Japanese like a Rocket with Rocket Japanese Premium

It is really helpful and easy. you can learn japanese fast!


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