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pacerier 01-03-2010 01:31 PM

地球はまだ形が定まらずやみにおおわれた氷の上を、さ らに神様の霊がおおっていました

i know yami means darkness, but what does 定まらずやみ means?

and 神様の霊 in this context, 霊 is read as tamashii or rei?

hatsuto11 01-03-2010 01:57 PM

There was a big ice on the earth, which had not been formed yet, and on the ice, there was a God!

hatsuto11 01-03-2010 01:58 PM

That translation I wrote is not precise.....I mean, do not rely on that.... it only clarifies the main concept of that sentence:)

pacerier 01-03-2010 02:03 PM

is there somewhere where the translation of the bible in japanese was explained? something like line by line, because i find it immensely difficult to read. 1 chapter can take hours to read cos i had to search almost every single word

MMM 01-03-2010 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by pacerier (Post 793097)
is there somewhere where the translation of the bible in japanese was explained? something like line by line, because i find it immensely difficult to read. 1 chapter can take hours to read cos i had to search almost every single word

Why not just read the Bible in English?

KyleGoetz 01-03-2010 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 793166)
Why not just read the Bible in English?

Haha, this is the correct response! I was given a bilingual dictionary as an Easter gift when I lived in Japan. It's pretty awesome.

pacerier 01-04-2010 07:25 AM

trying to learn the words dey use in de bible, that's why i was searching for a site that have the meanings beside the words

MMM 01-04-2010 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by pacerier (Post 793317)
trying to learn the words dey use in de bible, that's why i was searching for a site that have the meanings beside the words

Figure out what version of the bible you are reading in Japanese, and find the same version in English. Since it is translated line by line, that will be your best ticket.

And I can't resist, but if you want serious answers, don't use words like "dey".

pacerier 01-04-2010 02:47 PM

ok but there's quite some difference even with equal versions because most of them do not translate literally

if everytime i've got a problem and i post it here would it be considered spam?

KyleGoetz 01-04-2010 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by pacerier (Post 793406)
ok but there's quite some difference even with equal versions because most of them do not translate literally

if everytime i've got a problem and i post it here would it be considered spam?

I really doubt you're going to find a website that goes line by line in the Bible explaining every word used in a specific Japanese translation of the book.

And what is up with your spam question?

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