Okay, I've looked far and wide for decent info on the (U.S.) College Board's AP Japanese test. It's in May and I
really want to pass it. It's ranked as being between JLPT level 3 and 2. So has anyone on this forum passed it? There's only one publisher offering textbooks for it (Cheng and Tsui) and their textbooks are pretty expensive, I'm thinking about getting the "Strive for a 5' and "Adventures further in Japanese" which will total atleast $70, has anyone used these books? Is it worth it? Will "Japanese for Busy People Vol. 3" get you to the level you need to pass it?
And probably no one on here has even heard of this test and these are probably pointless questions but eh... doesn't hurt to ask, right?
Also, this test from what I understand is more thorough in testing your Japanese ability than JLPT because they equally test each area; Listening, speaking, writing (well, typing anyway), and reading. The only part I think I'll be able to pass is the reading part D': and I
might be able to do the typing part, but I know I'll fail the listening and speaking part all day long. I'm working on the listening and stuff, but I can't even try to speak in Japanese. I feel so like, ashamed when I do..? I can only practice speaking it when I'm outside and %100 sure on one can hear me. I guess it's the strong paranoia that I'll be lumped in with the other stupid caucasian 'otaku' girls who don't really know Japanese who do that GAY *I'm a retarded anime girl* squeaky-voiced crap "KAHWAEEEEY DASU NAAAYYY". (And no, for the record, I don't heighten my voice when I speak Japanese

and I don't watch anime either.) I have to practice speaking, but I just don't know what to do. I just don't think I'm ready to practice on Skype and stuff yet. And how do I get over this phobia? I mean when my dad asks me to speak Japanese and starts 'demanding' that I do in 'scary dad voice' (my dad was fluent in Japanese as a child, but has lost most of it now) I get so nervous and humiliated I wanna die D: I can't be the only person who's experienced this phenomenon. Advice?
And hot damn, everthing I type magically turns into tl;dr! lol Sorry guys.