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-   -   Is this a good website to look at (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/japanese-language-help/30904-good-website-look.html)

Columbine 03-15-2010 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by murasaki11 (Post 804257)
Thats such a cocky thing to say. Just because I haven't learnt it yet doesn't mean I wasn't planning on it. Lots of people don't know the kana , or are struggling. Romaji gives the reader a idea on how it is pronounced and the ability to start speaking befor they can read. Which is usually how learning a language works.

But that's just the problem; Romaji breeds BAD pronunciation. You can tell a romaji-only learner a mile off because their accent is often horrible. I promise, i'm not even exaggerating. It also leads to a lot of confusion and misconceptions (like "all japanese people can read romaji") and more to the point, becomes a security blanket so that a lot of romaji learners refuse to use 'gana and kanji further down the line. It also teaches you to try and learn Japanese from an English language standpoint and that utterly doesn't work because they are so different. It basically creates a great big glass ceiling for all your hard work learning japanese.

I personally wasn't trying to put you or your efforts down, I don't think Kyle meant the 'you's in his post as you personally, but in a general sense. So please don't think I'm bashing you, I'm really not- It's hard learning Japanese.

But the point is, romaji in the long run is only going to make it HARDER. Don't mollycoddle yourself with romaji. Jump right in to REAL Japanese, because in the real world, romaji doesn't even ~exist~.

KyleGoetz 03-15-2010 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by murasaki11 (Post 804257)
Thats such a cocky thing to say. Just because I haven't learnt it yet doesn't mean I wasn't planning on it. Lots of people don't know the kana , or are struggling. Romaji gives the reader a idea on how it is pronounced and the ability to start speaking befor they can read. Which is usually how learning a language works.

I meant "you" in the general sense, not the specific sense. I'm sorry for any confusion.

BenBullock 03-16-2010 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by murasaki11 (Post 804221)
I want to know if the information on this website is correct. I've been told it is. then someone told me It was not correct. I want to learn Japanese from a reliable sourse.

I don't care to spend the time working out whether it is correct, but how are you going to learn Japanese from a website which just has a list of random animals or a list of verbs, without any explanations of what the different forms of the verbs are? Why would you want to memorize a random list of animals like "buffalo" in Japanese? Are you doing a degree in zoology in Japan?

There is a page on katakana but it doesn't tell you how to write them at all, it just has a table of them, without any explanation. There's no way anyone can learn anything from that.

This website is what I'd describe as a "low information content" website. There are thousands and thousands of such sites on the internet. They don't serve any purpose.

Nyororin 03-16-2010 02:17 AM

I get the feeling that Murasaki11 here is a signature spammer, trying to advertise THEIR site. Otherwise, why put the link in their signature?

We do not welcome signature spammers here - and the link will be removed from that signature. Put it back and you prove you`re a signature spammer, and will be banned.

ETA; And signature gone now.

DanielSheen 03-16-2010 02:44 AM

Thats my little sister. Its not her website. Shes just a little kid and didn't come here to spam she came here to get peoples opinion on me and my friends website.

And if you think having a wee little link to a website as spam, then your pathetic.

MMM 03-16-2010 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by DanielSheen (Post 804312)
Thats my little sister. Its not her website. Shes just a little kid and didn't come here to spam she came here to get peoples opinion on me and my friends website.

And if you think having a wee little link to a website as spam, then your pathetic.

You can understand people's suspicions, though.

If I said "Hey guys, what do you think of this blog I found?" And posted the link in my signature. It looks weird.

KyleGoetz 03-16-2010 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by DanielSheen (Post 804312)
Thats my little sister. Its not her website. Shes just a little kid and didn't come here to spam she came here to get peoples opinion on me and my friends website.

And if you think having a wee little link to a website as spam, then your pathetic.

It's more that we do not like people who are disingenuous. But I think I've expressed my feeling better in the now-stickied thread you were active in earlier. I'm not trying to pick a fight.

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