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-   -   Is this a good website to look at (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/japanese-language-help/30904-good-website-look.html)

murasaki11 03-15-2010 06:37 PM

Is this a good website to look at
I want to know if the information on this website is correct. I've been told it is. then someone told me It was not correct. I want to learn Japanese from a reliable sourse. 1 2 3 Japanese - Learn Japanese for free

KyleGoetz 03-15-2010 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by murasaki11 (Post 804221)
I want to know if the information on this website is correct. I've been told it is. then someone told me It was not correct. I want to learn Japanese from a reliable sourse. 1 2 3 Japanese - Learn Japanese for free

Stay the heck away from that site. The first I noticed is that it's all in romaji. This alone makes it suspect.

Then the first thing I did was go to the vocab section and go to the animals>mammals section (first one I clicked on).

"Badger" is wrong. "Beaver" is spelled incorrectly in Japanese. "Cheetah" is spelled wrong in Japanese. "Hamster" is spelled wrong in Japanese. "Kangaroo" is spelled wrong in Japanese.

Moreover, I saw on multiple occasions perfect examples of why romaji is counterproductive. "Cheeta" is unbelievably wrong romaji. So incredibly unbelievable that I think the person who made this website can't possibly be able to pass JLPT3. Maybe even JLPT4.

The site is so worthless the Internet should be un-invented just to prevent this website from existing.

OP: do yourself a favor, just google for Tae Kim's Japanese Guide and study from that.

Columbine 03-15-2010 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by KyleGoetz (Post 804236)

Moreover, I saw on multiple occasions perfect examples of why romaji is counterproductive. "Cheeta" is unbelievably wrong romaji. So incredibly unbelievable that I think the person who made this website can't possibly be able to pass JLPT3. Maybe even JLPT4.

Would this explain it? http://www.japanforum.com/forum/japa...-japanese.html

Clearly the site owner isn't a native speaker.

I reckon, fluency aside, the creator of the site has just pulled a load of words from a dictionary that even THEY don't use on a day to day basis; animal words a prime example- If you know anything about anything to do with wildlife, you'd know that 'こういか' is NOT translated as 'cuddle fish'.

Even the romaji set up is strange. Is こう generally not transcribed as kou, not koo?

KyleGoetz 03-15-2010 08:48 PM

Here is the response I got:


Thank you for taking the time to point out some of the errors.

Most of the content is reviewed by a person who speaks Japanese althougth some of the content on the website is not 100% correct or is missing the double letter. It is good that you pointed this out. We are working a lot to remove these errors. Thankyou for letter me know about the current errors you found.
So yeah, looks like they admit stuff is put on the site without a Japanese speaker even signing off on it.

We need a new sticky: "SITES YOU SHOULD NOT TRUST"

murasaki11 03-15-2010 08:57 PM

Hey thanks for telling me this. Yea I saw the errors with the short letters. Is that all the errors the website has. Like. the lessons are they ok? because I have been learning a lot of Japanese from this website.

KyleGoetz 03-15-2010 09:01 PM

If it took me two minutes to find multiple errors, it is not worth using.
If it teaches using romaji, it is not worth using. Period.

murasaki11 03-15-2010 09:05 PM

What can people who don't know the kana do? I just started learning katakana.

Columbine 03-15-2010 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by murasaki11 (Post 804247)
What can people who don't know the kana do? I just started learning katakana.

Keep learning them. People get this huge mental block about 'gana and katakana. "they're too difficult", "There's too many", "it will take me too long to learn them" wah wah wah~

You know what that is? It's just a perception. I learnt all the Hiragana in a week. The following week I learnt all the Kana. I am not an exceptional student, I didn't have endless free time to devote to it, but I managed it. Everyone in my class did the same. As did everyone in the same class the years before and after me, going on for a good 20 years. Hiragana are EASY. but you MUST learn them first and then use them constantly.


I wonder if the forum wouldn't benefit from a "Let's Learn Hiragana" thread? There doesn't seem to be one~

KyleGoetz 03-15-2010 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by murasaki11 (Post 804247)
What can people who don't know the kana do? I just started learning katakana.

Learn kana. Guess what! It is literally the easiest thing about Japanese. If you can't learn kana, then you can't learn Japanese. It means you have either insufficient drive to learn or insufficient mental ability to learn.

99% of the time, it is the former.

murasaki11 03-15-2010 09:53 PM

Thats such a cocky thing to say. Just because I haven't learnt it yet doesn't mean I wasn't planning on it. Lots of people don't know the kana , or are struggling. Romaji gives the reader a idea on how it is pronounced and the ability to start speaking befor they can read. Which is usually how learning a language works.

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