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-   -   In this thread I teach you all a valuable lesson in economics (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/japanese-language-help/31527-thread-i-teach-you-all-valuable-lesson-economics.html)

KyleGoetz 04-15-2010 06:44 AM

In this thread I teach you all a valuable lesson in economics
Listen up, let me lay some economics on you.

There are very few native speakers here. It appears we may lose one. We lost NagoYankee a long time ago because of apparent racism (I missed it, so I don't know), and maybe we've now lost Sashimister. There are a couple others slipping my mind (one whom I insulted once by accident and promptly apologized). They are in short supply, and there is great demand for them. This makes their value on the site very great. Macroeconomics 101.

There are a lot of sub-excellent speakers of Japanese here. Basically, take away the natives and MMM, Nyororin, and (I think it is) Delacroix and one other who slips my mind (apologies), and you have just average joes with the language. There is a large supply. There is virtually no demand for us. Our value on this site is accordingly very low. Macroeconomics 101.

It is therefore plainly obvious that those of marginal value (read: those in the second group) would only be correct to treat those of high value with deference. You do not upset them. This is because we are much less valuable to the board then they.

If it means humbling myself before a native speaker when I don't deserve to be humbled, then so be it. I won't let my ego get in the way of the board's success. I suggest you all do the same. I don't care if you think you were slighted in some way. The fact is, if you piss off a native and they react by quitting, then your actions helped cause the damage. Maybe you were ethically justified in acting in whatever way made them angry. But because of your actions, the board is a worse place.

The primary purpose of this forum is to help people learn Japanese. If natives leave for any reason, that hurts the goal of the forum.

Your analysis when confronted with a situation should follow this pattern: Does my action improve the board/world/universe or not? If not, do not take the action. At no point should you ask yourself "Am I in the right?" This is because it doesn't matter if you are right or not. What matters is only whether you are hurting the board or not. People get bent out of shape trying to argue over who is right or wrong. The only thing any rational human being should be thinking here is whether their actions improve or degrade the board.

Even if a Japanese native started flaming me here, I would not fight back because my primary goal here is solely to improve my Japanese. All other things are secondary. I keep my eye on the prize, and do what it takes to accomplish my goals.

Be rational. If a native says something, either go along with it or keep your mouth shut. I'm sick and tired of losing valued members.

Now this thread may be deleted (my judgment is clouded a bit, and I'm unsure as to whether this post will help us remain civil and keep valued members here or not), but I hope anyone who sees my reasoning can understand where I'm coming from and it helps you in your quest for a better life. I know this approach has made my life better. (Granted, I'm only 26, so I'm no life expert!)

Apologies for the initial snark, but I just can't bear to delete the opening sentence at this point!

Sashimister, for what it's worth, I want you to stay.

And, with that final word, my heavy forefinger plods to the mouse to press the submit button.

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