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Asias 07-26-2010 11:27 AM


Thank you vey much for your help! Can you please help me with one more short phrase - "Come back soon", I know it sounds like "Itte irashai", but I need it in Japanese.

YuriTokoro 07-26-2010 02:07 PM

I need to know the situation and the speaker’s gender.

If a wife says to her husband when he leaves home to work, come back soon is;

But it is a female’s way.
If you are a man and say things like that, you sound like a gender identity disorder.

A man would say to his friend who is going abroad;
But this sentence sounds like that you think your friend’s dream is not very important.
If I were a man, I would say: 「頑張ってこいよ!」 or 「頑張れ!」These sentences sounds that you think your friend’s dream is great.

「行ってらっしゃい」is also good, but it sounds a woman’s saying when your friend is leaving your country. A man don’t say 「行ってらっしゃい」to his friend.

Tell me your gender.

Asias 07-27-2010 04:44 AM


I am a male, and my friend going to Japan is a girl. By saying "Come back soon" I want her to know that I am waiting for her (but this sence should be hidden). So it is more like "Good Luck & come back soon!"


YuriTokoro 07-27-2010 12:09 PM

If you are relatively delicate, 「頑張って来いよ!」will be good.
If you are relatively generous,「頑張って来い!」will be fit.
頑張って is usually translated as “Good luck” or “Give it your all”.
来いよ/来い in these sentences implies the listener will come back.

If you prefer to be polite and formal, 「頑張って来てください」.

It’s your choice!

Asias 07-27-2010 12:52 PM

Thank you very much Yuri! Your help is of real value for me! :) (F)

KyleGoetz 07-27-2010 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Asias (Post 821607)
By saying "Come back soon" I want her to know that I am waiting for her (but this sence should be hidden).

*makes teasing whipping noise* ;)

(I lived abroad from my girlfriend—now wife—for a year, so I'm just kidding with you.)

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