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Asias 07-21-2010 10:09 AM

Please advice! Need help of a Japanese native speaker!!!
Good day everyone! A dear friend of mine is going to Japan for a long time. I want to make her a present with a meaningful phrase. As this present could be seen by other people knowing Japanese well, I woud appreciate if someone provided a correct translaion with preservation of the meaning:

1. Many roads, one way. (meaning wherever you go, whatever road you select, you are taking the only way - a dream);


2. The way is easier when somebody waits you at home.
(Meaning not only way home, but the way - going far away, staying for a long time and coming back, similar to the way of samurai)

I would appreciate quick and accurate answer, this is very important for me, it is much more than just a sentence.



YuriTokoro 07-21-2010 12:42 PM




Asias 07-21-2010 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by YuriTokoro (Post 820818)



Oh, thank you very much for the answer! :) I need to save the meaning of the phrase, can you please explain what does your translation mean? Thanks!

Sashimister 07-21-2010 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by YuriTokoro (Post 820818)


百億のうちの一本以外は結局みんな袋小路なんざんすよ ね~。
アッシの歩んできた道もぜ~んぶそんな感じだった。ト ホホ・・・・

Asias 07-21-2010 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by YuriTokoro (Post 820818)



I have translated your translation in online program, and it has shown that your phrase has a bit different meaning - "there are hundred millions way to a dream".

And I need it to sound like "there are many roads, but the Way is only one" meaning that "you can go through many roads, but stay yourself, chase one single bright dream".

But I need to hide this idea in a short phrase like "Many roads, one Way" and this is how it will carry deep philosophy understood differently by different people.

Thanks in advance!

YuriTokoro 07-21-2010 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sashimister (Post 820820)
百億のうちの一本以外は結局みんな袋小路なんざんすよ ね~。
アッシの歩んできた道もぜ~んぶそんな感じだった。ト ホホ・・・・

それ、日本語じゃなくて、英語で書いてくれないかな~ !

もとの英語の意味は、どの道を行っても君の夢に行くっ て意味だよね?だって、
wherever you go, whatever road you select, you are taking the only way - a dreamだもん。
どこも袋小路じゃないよ、って意味だと思ったんだけど 、

Asias 07-21-2010 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by YuriTokoro (Post 820825)
それ、日本語じゃなくて、英語で書いてくれないかな~ !

もとの英語の意味は、どの道を行っても君の夢に行くっ て意味だよね?だって、
wherever you go, whatever road you select, you are taking the only way - a dreamだもん。
どこも袋小路じゃないよ、って意味だと思ったんだけど 、

"The way is easier when somebody waits you at home".

待っていてくれる人がいるから頑張れる - does it mean that "it is easier to be far away from home when you know that somebody is waiting for you"?

Thanks! :)

KyleGoetz 07-21-2010 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Asias (Post 820826)
"The way is easier when somebody waits you at home".

待っていてくれる人がいるから頑張れる - does it mean that "it is easier to be far away from home when you know that somebody is waiting for you"?

Thanks! :)

You can't directly translate stuff from one language to another and expect it to be literally the same.

And no, it says something like "Try hard, because there's someone waiting for you."

I would just go with the suggested translations. Yuri is a native Japanese speaker and has good English. Sashimister is a native Japanese speaker and a near-native English speaker. They both think these are good translations—in fact, Sashimister commented on how very good Yuri's suggestions are. You're not really going to get a better suggestion from someone here. There are only a couple other native Japanese speakers here, and they post a lot less than these two.

Asias 07-21-2010 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by KyleGoetz (Post 820829)
You can't directly translate stuff from one language to another and expect it to be literally the same.

And no, it says something like "Try hard, because there's someone waiting for you."

I would just go with the suggested translations. Yuri is a native Japanese speaker and has good English. Sashimister is a native Japanese speaker and a near-native English speaker. They both think these are good translations—in fact, Sashimister commented on how very good Yuri's suggestions are. You're not really going to get a better suggestion from someone here. There are only a couple other native Japanese speakers here, and they post a lot less than these two.

I understand this, it's especially true for Japanese. But I don't understand Japan language at all, so I can't check whether what I said has been understood correctly. For instance あなたの夢へと続く百億の道がある as I understand means "there are hundred millions ways to a dream", which is not exactly "Many roads, one Way", although I really like the new meaning of the phrase introduced by Yuri.

YuriTokoro 07-21-2010 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by KyleGoetz (Post 820829)
I would just go with the suggested translations. Yuri is a native Japanese speaker and has good English. Sashimister is a native Japanese speaker and a near-native English speaker. They both think these are good translations—in fact, Sashimister commented on how very good Yuri's suggestions are. You're not really going to get a better suggestion from someone here. There are only a couple other native Japanese speakers here, and they post a lot less than these two.

And thanks a lot!!!:rheart: :rheart: :rheart:

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