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DaisukeKigurou 09-12-2010 01:35 AM

Resetting password for Nico Nico Douga account, clue is in Japanese help!!
As the title says, The clue is in Japanese and in order to reset the password I need to know what this says (嫌いな食べ物は?). So if any of you speak Japanese PLEASE help!!! TT__TT

Again, I need to know what this (嫌いな食べ物は?) says.

manganimefan227 09-12-2010 01:55 AM


(Thank you jisho.org)

Fear not the caps,- is just really happy whenever she is able to help with Japanese, just ran around the whole upstairs level twice-

DaisukeKigurou 09-12-2010 02:15 AM

Thanks, I can't remember the original password. So what should I do? Can I make a new account with the same email or should I use a other email address to do such a thing?

manganimefan227 09-12-2010 02:30 AM

You might have to, try using the same email and if you can't use the different . . .

DaisukeKigurou 09-12-2010 02:39 AM

I'll do that.

(OCC: Is it me or isn't Japanese video sharing websites better than the US ones? In my opinion, I think there is basicly no trolls on those sites. I think the Japanese have more common sense online.)

Edit: I don't know if I should make a separate thread for this question but, here I go. Could, someone translate this sentence into Japanese that will be in parentheses?

( Character I like) <-------------


( ありがとうございます)

- Daisuke_Kigurou

manganimefan227 09-12-2010 02:57 AM

Wha? Trolls are the most humorous thing on the internet! They can be unacceptably nasty but sometimes their randomness is appreciated!

What context are you looking for with that sentence?

DaisukeKigurou 09-12-2010 03:03 AM

The whole thing in parentheses. It's not a sentence, it's an artical ( I forget what it's called forgive me >_<). Anyways, the words in parentheses is what I need translated in Japanese.

I am using it for a clue so I can remember my password on Nico Nico Douga.

Edit: Never mind, I figured it out. They changed the website the last time I was on and registered. They had some already added questions. I'm registered.

Mods: Lock, this thread. It is now longer needed.

KyleGoetz 09-12-2010 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by DaisukeKigurou (Post 828655)
Thanks, I can't remember the original password. So what should I do? Can I make a new account with the same email or should I use a other email address to do such a thing?

You should ask the Nico Nico Douga people. Why would we know a random website's password recovery policy?

DaisukeKigurou 09-12-2010 05:52 AM

( No more replies, Mods LOCK THIS THREAD)

manganimefan227 09-12-2010 07:23 PM

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