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zUkUu 09-13-2010 10:03 PM

Need Translation.
YouTube - Super Street Fighter 4 - Cody Ultra 2 Last Dread Dust

I'm looking for romajis, kanjis and the translation of it. I hope someone is willing to help. It's only a few seconds long, 3 sentence in total.

I'd really appreciate any help.

Thanks in advance.

Sashimister 09-14-2010 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by zUkUu (Post 828951)
YouTube - Super Street Fighter 4 - Cody Ultra 2 Last Dread Dust

I'm looking for romajis, kanjis and the translation of it. I hope someone is willing to help. It's only a few seconds long, 3 sentence in total.

I'd really appreciate any help.

Thanks in advance.

Left: 眠くなっちまうぜ。 This is making me sleepy.
Left: ウザってー奴だぜ! You're such an annoyance!
Right: 無念! What a shame!
Left : 少しは身体がほぐれたかぁ? Loosening up a little?

Sorry I don't know how to write romaji.

zUkUu 09-14-2010 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Sashimister (Post 828992)
Left: 眠くなっちまうぜ。 This is making me sleepy.
Left: ウザってー奴だぜ! You're such an annoyance!
Right: 無念! What a shame!
Left : 少しは身体がほぐれたかぁ? Loosening up a little?

Sorry I don't know how to write romaji.

domo arigato gozaimashita =D

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