Originally Posted by steven
I think while Tokyo-ans might understand what I wrote it isn't Tokyo slang as far as I know. It's more Kansai-ish I think. ~してはった is 敬語. ~しちゃはった is like an original grammar that I made up that sometimes gets a laugh. It's like you are saying that someone accidentally did something but 'gracefully'. I guess a more 'grammatically' correct way of saying it would be しちゃってはった, but it's too long so I shorten it.
People in Tokyo wouldn't even understand my Japanese unless I tried to speak standard  .
By the way, are you saying "ピョン" to be festive (lol pardon the phrasing) because of "usagi doshi"? I used that on my new years cards and it seemed to be a hit.
Oh, that's right, you're the kansai guy ("kansguy"?)
I thought the 〜てはった was a typo, and I thought the 〜け at the end was something like the Tokyoite 〜っけ. My bad.
And I just think ピョン sounds funny. When I got on Mixi, I noticed a lot of of my female friends used names like あやなピョン and かなこピョン. So, to be funny, when talking to them I would end a sentence with だピョン. Reminds me of ending a sentence with "BOING!" in English. Just random.
No idea where the ピョン originally comes from. But yeeeah, I'll claim to be a wisecracking Japanman who intended to be festive about usagi doshi.