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ようです vs. らしいです -
01-18-2011, 11:15 AM
Hi, could someone kindly explain to me the difference between ようです and らしい because both sound identical to me in the sense that both mean "It seems (that)"
1a.雨が降ったようです。 1b.雨が降ったらしいです。 2a.あの店の料理はおいしいようです。 2b.あの店の料理はおいしいらしいです。 3a.林さんは今週暇なようです。 3b.林さんは今週暇ならしいです。 4a.愛子さんは病気のようです。 4b.愛子さんは病気らしいです。 5a.彼はアメリカで恋人がいるらしいです。 5b.彼はアメリカで恋人がいるようです。 6a.彼女は刺身が嫌いならしいです。 6b.彼女は刺身が嫌いなようです。 7a.来月来る新しい部長は女性らしいです。 7b.来月来る新しい部長は女性のようです。 8a.今年の夏は暑いらしいです。 8b.今年の夏は暑いようです。 Also, there are a couple of sentences which I need help on translation as I do not understand the words in bold: 9.アメリカでテロが起きて、大勢人が死んだらしいです。 10.今朝天気予報で言ってたけど、午後から雨になるらしいよ。 失敗をしない人間はいない。 いるのは失敗から立ち直れない奴と 立ち直れる奴だ。 |
01-18-2011, 03:46 PM
yeh, i studied this grammar , & i understood that both have the same meaning of ( it seems like ) .. i do not know exactly if the difference between them but actuly according to the person who talk & to whom i think ... about the translation of the 2 sentences : the first one \ alarge number of people becoming as died when the terrorism has happened in America .. the second one \ this morning , the weather said that from the afternoon it seems rain .. try to do the hardest work to be a scsseful person ![]() ![]() |
01-18-2011, 03:51 PM
Originally, there is a fairly big difference in the source of information the speaker is using. However, it is also true that many speakers do not follow this.
~~(の)よう = your own judgement expressed euphemistically ~~らしい = you heard something from someone or read about it somewhere. Your sentence 3b and 6a are incorrect. Drop the な. 5a and 5b are incorrect. Change the で to another particle. I won't explain it here because I just did so yesterday in the following thread: http://www.japanforum.com/forum/japa...eech-help.html _______________ テロが起きて = terrorism occured (and) で言ってたけど = (someone) said in (the weather forecast) that |
01-19-2011, 07:42 AM
By the way, masaegu san. For number 10, is it correct if I say "今朝天気予報によると、午後から雨が降るらしいよ" instead of "今朝天気予報で言ってたけど、午後から雨になるらし� �よ"? Is the meaning still the same?
Also, I do not understand these sentences: A: このかばんは皮でできているようです。 It seems that this bag is made of leather. This bad seems to be made of leather. B: 箱の中になにか硬いものが入っているようだ。 It seems that there is something hard in the box. For A, I do not understand why "できている" was used instead of "できた" or even "できる". For B, I do not understand why "なにか" and "入っている" were included? Can I say "箱の中に硬いものがあるようだ"? 失敗をしない人間はいない。 いるのは失敗から立ち直れない奴と 立ち直れる奴だ。 |
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