Originally Posted by Tomba
hello im new on here also im trying to learn japanese ive got a few books og hiragana i also got rosetta stone but i cant help but think that its just not sinking in so heres the silly thing i wanna ask is it normal to feel stuck or id it just me plus is there any tips to make me remember? thank you whoever responds ^_^
dont give up and surround yourself with the language as much as possible. also, be consequent and systematic. learning a language is comparable to rawing up the stream, if you stop you will be pushed back by the current. it is better to learn 15-20 min a day than 7 hours once a week.
as to syllabaries (both modern kana's) and kanji - write them while you eat walk or talk, and then before you sleep on the bed sheet. Then write some more in your dreams.
once you learn the basics, dig whatever subject interests you. i hate learning from standardised books, they make me fall alseep (though you need to soak in some grammar basics).
Good luck!