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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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A Lesson on Non-limitations for 中・上級 Learners - 03-09-2011, 04:34 PM

Same book, same translator.

Note: RTSSG means a clause that modifies a noun-phrase. We often call these "adjective clauses" in English. 連体修飾型 = れんたいしゅうしょくがた I am abbreviating as "RTSSG" for abbreviation. I was too lazy to look up what we call this in English until now, so I may have casually used the abbreviation "RTSSG" previously without explaining it.

When I compile all these threads with a master "linking" thread at a later date, I'll add an explanation for what "RTSSG" means like I've done above.

Now, on with the show!

非限定 Non-limitation

〜ただ〜だけでなく・〜だだ〜のみならず・〜ひとり〜 だけでなく・〜ひとり〜のみならず

Used when you want to say "It's not just ~, but the scope is bigger and stretches out further."

Usage: Noun/RTSSG +ばかりでなく

わたしたちは日本語ばかりでなく、英語や数学の授業も 受けています。
We're not just taking Japanese classes, but also English, math, etc.

「今日は頭が痛いばかりでなく、吐き気もするし、少々 熱もあるんです。」
"I don't just have a headache, but I am nauseous and have a little fever."

Means "Not just ~, but increased above to a higher degree of seriousness/heaviness/greatness"

Usage: same as 〜ばかりでなく

いくら薬を飲んでも、かぜが治らないばかりか、もっと 悪くなってきました。
No matter how many pills I took, my cold did not get better, but got became worse.

この頃彼は遅刻が多いばかりか、授業中にいねむりする ことさえあります。
Recently, he not only has often been late, but sleeps in class too.

When you want to say something is applied not only to ~, but to a group that is larger.

Usage: Noun+に限らず

日曜日に限らず、休みの日はいつでも、家族と運動をし に出かけます。
Holidays/special days are not just limited to Sundays, but any day I go get exercise with my family.

男性に限らず、女性も、新しい職業分野の可能性を広げ ようとしている。
Not just for boys but also girls, the range of possible jobs has widened.

Used when you want to say "It's not just ~, but the scope is bigger and stretches out further."

Usage: Noun/RTSSG+のみならず

私立大学のみならず国立大学でも学費の値上げは避けら れないようだ。
It seems that not only at private universities, but at public [national] universities the rise in education costs cannot be avoided.

この不景気では、中小企業のみならず大企業でも経費を 削る必要がある。
In this recession, it is necessary, not only at small and mid-sized companies, but at large companies, to scale back budgets.

===ただ〜だけでなく・ただ〜のみならず・ひとり〜だけ でなく・ひとり〜のみならず
Used when you want to say "It's not just ~, but teh scope is bigger and stretches out further."
For everyday conversation, opt for 〜だけでなく or 〜ばかりでなく or に限らず as discussed above instead.

ただ東京都民だけでなく、全国民が今度の知事選に関心 をもっている。
Not only Tokyo residents, but citizens of the whole country are paying attention to the gubernatorial election.

今回の水不足はひとりA県だけでなく、我が国全体の問 題である。
The current water shortage is not just a problem for Prefecture A, but for the entire country.

Used when saying something is not limited to a narrow scope, but stretches to a broader scope.

Usage: Noun/adjective (use である form with nouns and na-adjectives)+にとどまらず
Use in the structure [some topic]は、〜にとどまらず、〜だ。

彼のテニスは単なる趣味にとどまらず、今やプロ級の腕 前です。
His tennis is not merely a hobby, but currently an aim to be pro-level.

田中教授の話は専門の話題だけにとどまらず、いろいろ な分野にわたるので、いつもとても刺激的だ。
Prof. Tanaka's lectures/speeches are not limited to the topic of his specialty, but are varying and wide-ranging, so they are always very stimulating.
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masaegu (Offline)
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03-10-2011, 01:02 AM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
日曜日に限らず、休みの日はいつでも、家族と運動をし に出かけます。
Holidays/special days are not just limited to Sundays, but any day I go get exercise with my family.
So are you saying the speaker goes out to excercise on regular work days as well? If so, that is not what the original says.

男性に限らず、女性も、新しい職業分野の可能性を広げ ようとしている。
Not just for boys but also girls, the range of possible jobs has widened.
Did you intentionally change the subject of the sentence from the original?
The original and your TL are not saying the same thing.
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(#3 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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03-11-2011, 12:18 AM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
So are you saying the speaker goes out to excercise on regular work days as well? If so, that is not what the original says.
I thought the sentence was saying that any day where he gets to spend time with his family is a holiday. Sort of a "I love my family so much" sentiment.

Did you intentionally change the subject of the sentence from the original?
The original and your TL are not saying the same thing.
I assume by this you mean that I changed it from a transitive to intransitive sentence? That was careless on my part.

"Not just boys, but girls also have widened the range of jobs they can do/get."
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(#4 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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03-11-2011, 04:03 AM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
I thought the sentence was saying that any day where he gets to spend time with his family is a holiday. Sort of a "I love my family so much" sentiment.
Right, regular work-days are excluded.

日曜日に限らず、休みの日はいつでも means "On all days off, not just Sundays".
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