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Maxful 06-23-2011 09:42 AM

落ちる vs. 転ぶ
Hi, could someone check if the following phrases are correct?

1a. 料理はテーブルから床に落ちる

1b. 料理テーブルから床に転ぶ

2a. 田中はプラットホームから落ちる

2b. 田中はプラットホームから転ぶ

3a. 愛子はベッドから落ちる

3b. 愛子はベッドから転ぶ

4a. 自転車から落ちる

4b. 自転車から転ぶ

masaegu 06-26-2011 09:02 AM

You need to use 「。」.

1a. 料理はテーブルから床に落ちる Correct except は > が[color="Purple"]

1b. 料理テーブルから床に転ぶ Incorrect and impossible.

2a. 田中はプラットホームから落ちる Correct.

2b. 田中はプラットホームから転ぶ Strange.

3a. 愛子はベッドから落ちる Correct.

3b. 愛子はベッドから転ぶ Strange.

4a. 自転車から落ちる Correct only if the subject for the action is a baby/toddler or an object that was being carried on the bike.

4b. 自転車から転ぶ Strange. We would say 「自転車で転ぶ。」

KyleGoetz 06-26-2011 09:20 AM

落ちる is more like vertical displacement.
転ぶ is more of a rolling fall/tipping over.

See this (crappy) diagram I quickly made and uploaded to my website:

FOrgive the bad kanji—I was drawing right-handed with a mouse. Double ick.

Maxful 06-26-2011 02:43 PM

Thanks, masaegu and KyleGoetz.

Columbine 06-26-2011 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Maxful (Post 869909)
Thanks, masaegu and KyleGoetz.

If it helps, I always remember the difference because だるまが転ぶ。Seeing as Daruma is barrel shaped; if he falls, it's a sort of sideways flop (in a roly-poly motion, i guess?). But on the road you see signs like 「落石に注意する!」. Falling rocks drop or bounce onto the road, OFF of something.

masaegu 06-27-2011 06:20 AM

Adding to KyleGoetz' already good explanation....




blutorange 06-27-2011 11:53 AM

Maxful 06-28-2011 10:50 AM

Thanks for your efforts, guys.

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