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Nihonoaika 09-21-2011 06:11 PM

Name meanings?
Ah, I'm looking for someone who can tell me the meanings of these name(s) and surname(s)? Sorry I do not know the Kanji for any one them so they're all in Romaji... But like godwine pointed out -which I totally forgot- there are multiple Kanji for each, and preferably I'd like to see as many as anyone can name. I like options and it would mean a lot to me.


EDIT: two more I'd like to know more about...
Shiro and Nagi.
Thanks for any help~ I'll be posting more names unless someone can point me to a website that would help...?

godwine 09-21-2011 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Nihonoaika (Post 880697)
Ah, I'm looking for someone who can tell me the meanings of these name(s) and surname(s)? Sorry I do not know the Kanji for anyone them so they're all in Romaji...

Tsuhima (Can this be Tsuhime?)

Thanks for any help~ I'll be posting more names unless someone can point me to a website that would help...?

I know you said you cannot read Kanji, but do you have access to the Kanji itself? Romaji is very difficult, it can mean multiple things. Take Koshio for example, I can already come up with 2 different surname, and can come up with more if its not limited to names.. so, if you can copy and paste the kanji here, more people can help you with it

I didn't go through your entire list, Koshio pop out for some reason to me, thats all....

Nihonoaika 09-21-2011 06:27 PM

Some of them, sure I can try, but not all of them. Actually I forgot to mention that I wanted options in the Kanji. But if that's to much I can do the ones I know...

Sumippi 09-23-2011 03:48 PM

Kengamine 剣ヶ峰?I'm not sure... 剣=sword, ヶ=of, 's  峰=peak, ridge, back (of a sword)

Tsunenaga 恒永(or常長?) =forever, eternity

Kichida 橘田; 橘=Citrus tachibana, 田=rice field, field

Samurakami ?? If it's just 'Murakami'... 村上; 村=village, 上=up, upper, top, over

Takeuchi 竹内or武内; 竹=bamboo, 武=samurai, warrior, being gallant 内=inside

Ekiguchi ??I have no idea...

Tsuji 辻=crossroad

Tsujimoto 辻本or辻元; 辻=crossroad, 本=originally「元」, 元=root ,foot

Tsujimura 辻村; 辻=crossroad, 村=village

Tsuchie 土江; 土=soil, earth, 江=river?

Karako 唐比?? I'm not sure...唐=China? 比=to compare, to be close to.

Koshio 越尾; 越=to climb, to go over, 尾=tail, end, peak (of a mountain)

Tsuhima --Isn't it 'Tsushima'? Tsushima=津島; 津=to ferry, to ferry across the river, bank, port, wharf , 島=island

Nihonoaika 09-26-2011 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Sumippi (Post 880931)
Kengamine 剣ヶ峰?I'm not sure... 剣=sword, ヶ=of, 's  峰=peak, ridge, back (of a sword)

Tsunenaga 恒永(or常長?) =forever, eternity

Kichida 橘田; 橘=Citrus tachibana, 田=rice field, field

Samurakami ?? If it's just 'Murakami'... 村上; 村=village, 上=up, upper, top, over

Takeuchi 竹内or武内; 竹=bamboo, 武=samurai, warrior, being gallant 内=inside

Ekiguchi ??I have no idea...

Tsuji 辻=crossroad

Tsujimoto 辻本or辻元; 辻=crossroad, 本=originally「元」, 元=root ,foot

Tsujimura 辻村; 辻=crossroad, 村=village

Tsuchie 土江; 土=soil, earth, 江=river?

Karako 唐比?? I'm not sure...唐=China? 比=to compare, to be close to.

Koshio 越尾; 越=to climb, to go over, 尾=tail, end, peak (of a mountain)

Tsuhima --Isn't it 'Tsushima'? Tsushima=津島; 津=to ferry, to ferry across the river, bank, port, wharf , 島=island

Thank you~ This is very helpful ;D
I found Ekigushi online...I've never heard of a surname like that.
And your right, it is suppose to be Tsushima, sorry!

Do you think you could do Shiro and Nagi?
I looked up Shiro and every site says it different but the ones I see alot is "castle", "white", and "Fourth Born Son". Plus I'm confused, it says Shiro is a boys name but I've met a lot of girls with that name...

siokan 09-26-2011 11:01 PM

Family name that doesn't exist(fictitious family name)
Kengamine, Kichida, Samurakami, Ekiguchi

Takeuchi 竹内/武内
Tsuji 辻/逵/津路/津地/都司/街/津氏/都子/津治/津次/都治
Tsujimoto 辻本/辻元/逵本
Tsujimura 辻村/逵村/辻邑/辻邨
Tsuchie 土江/槌江
Koshio 小塩/古塩/越尾/越生/小汐/腰尾/越塩/小椎尾
Tsushima 対馬/津島/津嶋/對馬/対島/都島/津嶌/對島/津洲/對嶋
Karako 唐子/柄子

Nihonoaika 09-26-2011 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by siokan (Post 881217)
Family name that doesn't exist(fictitious family name)
Kengamine, Kichida, Samurakami, Ekiguchi

Takeuchi 竹内/武内
Tsuji 辻/逵/津路/津地/都司/街/津氏/都子/津治/津次/都治
Tsujimoto 辻本/辻元/逵本
Tsujimura 辻村/逵村/辻邑/辻邨
Tsuchie 土江/槌江
Koshio 小塩/古塩/越尾/越生/小汐/腰尾/越塩/小椎尾
Tsushima 対馬/津島/津嶋/對馬/対島/都島/津嶌/對島/津洲/對嶋
Karako 唐子/柄子

I don't understand what you mean by fictitious... I'll admit I have yet to meet anyone with the name Kengamine or Ekiguchi, but I have seen Kichida and Samurakami...

siokan 09-26-2011 11:53 PM

Unusual pronunciation........

Samurakami 村上 
(usually: murakami/ others: mukami,muragami,muraoka,muraue)
Kichida 吉田
(usually yoshida/ others: yojida,kitta)

The origin is a lot and is troublesome.
As for the family name that uses the same Chinese character, the origin might be different because of the pedigree.

Sumippi 09-27-2011 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by Nihonoaika (Post 881215)
Do you think you could do Shiro and Nagi?
I looked up Shiro and every site says it different but the ones I see alot is "castle", "white", and "Fourth Born Son". Plus I'm confused, it says Shiro is a boys name but I've met a lot of girls with that name...

'Shiro' may be 城(=castle), but I think it's not likely to be 白(=white) as a surname.
The boys name you're talking about must be 'Shiroo' or 'Shirou' (=史郎、史朗、司郎、司朗、志郎、志朗、四郎、四朗 etc.) 史=history, 司=to administer, 志=will, wish 四=4(four). 郎=a boy, a man. 朗=cheerful, bright, merry.

'Nagi' may be 名城(名=name, famous. 城=castle) or 名木(木=tree, wood), I guess...

duo797 09-27-2011 02:13 PM

My impression was that a number of family names were places where people came from, similar to how hundreds of years ago what we take to be surnames were really just saying 'Person of So-and-so city' like how 'Leonardo da Vinci' (probably misspelled a bit) is just 'Leonardo of Vinci'. Similarly someone with the family name 川口 might have had ancestors who lived in an area at the mouth of a river.

Would anyone with more experience in japanese family names and history care to confirm or deny this for me? It's an assumption I carry and if it's wrong I'd love to know so I don't continue.

masaegu 09-27-2011 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by duo797 (Post 881361)
My impression was that a number of family names were places where people came from, similar to how hundreds of years ago what we take to be surnames were really just saying 'Person of So-and-so city' like how 'Leonardo da Vinci' (probably misspelled a bit) is just 'Leonardo of Vinci'. Similarly someone with the family name 川口 might have had ancestors who lived in an area at the mouth of a river.

Would anyone with more experience in japanese family names and history care to confirm or deny this for me? It's an assumption I carry and if it's wrong I'd love to know so I don't continue.

This is basically true. The vast majority of Japanese did not have family names until about 300 years ago. Those who did were the nobility, the higher-ranked samurai and such. The rest of us commoners had been addressed mostly as "(First name) of the so-and-so district". I just said "first name" but it was not really a first name since that was the ONLY name they had.

After the commoners were permitted to own family names, some just took the name of the area they lived in, which is what they had essentially been adressed as before they had family names. Some took the family name of their village chief while others created their own.

For those who know some Japanese, you must have noticed that many family names contain the names of the things that exist around us such as 「山」「川」「谷」「田」, etc. This fact should explain how many family names were created.

blutorange 09-27-2011 02:57 PM

You do realize that without the original kanji form of the names, finding out a Japanese name's meaning is not only hard, but utterly impossible? Take "tsuji" for example, JMNdict lists the following names, all pronounced "tsuji":

All of them would imply a different meaning. But I guess you could use Find words - Denshi Jisho names dictionary, enter a name in romaji and then click on "kanji details" at the results page to show the kanjis' individual meanings...

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